
“fast hondas” always come out after the first snow fall when all the real cars get put away for the winter… :lol:

Just playing! Deffinaty a good run! sounds like a few quick cars! :tup:


uhh i was out all year :bloated:

lol choda ill get ya a mighty, i never see you anymore

i cant wait to put the del sol in the middle of these races, i got some sneaky sneaky stuff going on with the build:carnut

good runs:hay:

i have no worries


nice runs…

and lol at the wait til next spring talk, it seems like every fall it’s the same old story, and few actually finish what they want to do…it’d be nice to see some well built quick honda’s next spring, but it seems like most are either just thrown together, or never finish.


LOL come on now guys did u all really think we were doing pulls in the rain with 2 turbo hondas…

nice runs



LOL come on now guys did u all really think we were doing pulls in the rain with 2 turbo hondas…


i knew this was bull shit LOL

hahahaahaha nice

I knew it. BITCHES

I totally thought this was legit. I had Voltron out to play early this morning and it was below freezing. :slight_smile:

^^^Traction is gone for the season isnt it? lol…I dont get traction for chit.

not in TMP :pimp:

Im going then