92 honda accord coupe . . . project


yea, most deffinatly lower!!! :giggedy

Lift kit? ::slight_smile:

nah man, lower!!! thing is wayyyyy too high now :nod

dude, its an accord, its gotta be low as shit! do ettttt!!!

FOR REAL MANG!!! doo eetttt!!!

okay maybe a little lower :ponder

yea yea, thats i’m talkinnnnn Bout s0n

alright enough with the lowering lol

how bout you buy my built H22 and the whole turbo setup? just throwin it out there.

dont do that its only 500hp and it wont beat a liter bike… useless

look at the horsepower to weight ratio then ull figure the problem lol

make 820hp or GO HOME

Thats pretty Sick!

H22 Swap!

would be sweet in an accord

tell swifty your interested just so i can see how much he would sell it for

dont tease me, if i can sell the built motor/full turbo setup all together, i’ll get rid of my car.

say a price , not im like gonna buy it just curious

yea how much you want fer the motor . . . . idk bout the turbo lol

2500 cash