92 Integra or 96 Avenger or 91 Celica

now ur commming around…and my maximas ddin break…i think u had bad luck carl

Gustav wrote:

I heard sureshot had an operation to look like a 12 year old asian girl but I could be mistaken.


eh. My maxima was a grrrreat first car, the second one…eh. The thirs one was ok. None of them pleased me like the gtp though. I really like the gtp, although ill be moving on to something with a large wing soon…


integra all day


yea didnt you know :bloated:

why don’t you use that money and put it on a down payment for a brand new dd that will last through college plus get a warrenty and not really worry about relability. you can buy something that is peppy and you could find something faster then those cars. i was in the same boat you were in and i am glad i bought new 5 yr/100k warrenty is something that you can’t ignore.