94 Mustang Build-up

Really? I didnt see him there

Never gonna run again.

^what him sayzz

might as well just give up on this project adamn

lock 1

lock 2

lock 3

Take it to the crusher

jellies put a lock 3 in that post right now lol

ok John, just for you

thank u +rep

Adumb is a total pile of shit. That is all.

in all serriousness this is one of very few mustangs I’ve ever liked. Get to work naow

Fuck your locks, see if ya ever post in SRS again…:lol

And thanks man^^

Very nice work so far, it looks like it’s coming along great. Did you decide what you are going to do motor wise?

Thanks alot man! Well I have the 331 up for sale, and it all depends on if that gets sold. Id like to build a bigger motor for it, 351W based.

so in other words we wont see this until 2012 season? maybe by then u will be benching 275 too, but doubt it.

lol i might have a car that can compete with this bustang by the time it’s out :rofl

Good luck with the sale. Can’t really go wrong with a 351 based build. Little extra added weight but the extra cubic inches more than make up for it.



Hes not like us…lol