$20/hr for whenever it snows or ices out, which so far has been a few grand this year. Usually it’s $300 a week, and when I have nothing but gas and car insurance to pay for, it’s pretty good. I’m fucking 18 years old, not in my mid 20’s give me a goddamn break. Every other 18 year old I see is out there fucking making $7.25-$8.50 an hour at some shit job(Kramer need not apply). How are you doing Adam? Approaching mid 20’s, JUST returning to school and with mom and pops, NOT where I want to be when I’m that old. I’ll wise up and stop spending money on dumb car shit once I get a nice job and work on getting my own place and getting settled THEN worry about getting a nice car to drive around in. When you reply to this, I’m sure it won’t even touch what I just said.