94 Mustang Gt

Alright, I would’ve actually rather have had this conversation in person so we didn’t have numb nuts and others hangin on your sack/contributing non-needed contributions while you and me are conversating. I understand you made an adult decision to go back to school, good for you and good luck with it. What I’m saying is, ya’ll are on my back about what I make not being enough in the real world etc., c’mon now at 18, that’s REAL good, right on par with your 100k in a few years with minimal expenses(granted that we have good winter seasons and I work 30+ hrs a week at my normal job) I had forgotten about you busting your knee up, makes sense, no job, no money, parents takin care of ya. So I guess you could say, yes, I had some more to contribute.:smiley: BUD!:happy::retardclap