94GT5.0 Getting into shape!

I heard Sully’s diet is terrible.

Sully’s Diet, Life, Car, and future is terrible :lol

Sullys diet consists of cockmeat sandwhichs

and chicken mctesticals


Oh thanks I almost forgot those


thank god for fast metabolisms

I wish I had a fast metabolism

My senior year of highschool I was playing two varsity sports in the same season I couldn’t eat enough to keep me full.

I have a wicked fast metabolism. I eat loads of food, like the other night I had a 9oz package of turkey, a red baron singles pizza, 16oz shrimp ring, and some mozz sticks. Did I mention I weigh 120lbs? :lol

Back on topic, Adam listen to meattittes, he obviously knows what hes doing.

When I was really young I had a faster metabolism but it really slowed down since then.

My youngest brother never stops eating and never gains weight and is in awesome shape.

haha yep… I just wish I worked out, like did anyythhingggg.

I work out 5 days a week and ride a bike for 14-20 miles once a week and still cant shake a few pounds Ive been trying to lose forever.

My diet sucks.

Don’t be so concerned about weight… remember, muscle weighs more than fat.

True, but theres a few pounds of fat Id like to get rid of.

I know Ive bulked up a bit in the past year from working out and gained about 10-15 pounds of muscle.

dere you go

dont forget about the pizza and brownies and 24 jello shots last friday adam.

monday i was doing seated military press with 225, PJB walks over and i tell him to do it. for a second he was actually considering sitting down and attemping to try. this would have been great to get on film. EPIC FAIL!
