95 ninja 250 $300 , then 800, then 700, then who knows

Because he’s dicking around and trying to get more for it now that he realized he wasnt asking enough even though this thread clearly says $300.

I wouldnt buy anything from somebody like this. Fucking scammer.

Yea your right im a scammer the bike has been sitting in my garage for 3 weeks so i had to bring it to get fixed. i couldnt just let it sit there. i was selling the bike for 300 in the condition it was 4 weeks ago with plastics all fucked up and the bike not staying running. if you want to say im a scammer great i really could care less what you have to say.

I wouldn’t say you were a scammer, but I certainly would have purchased the bike for $300. I am somewhat annoyed that I got roped into the thread and now we don’t have a price…

clearly a lot of people think its worth $300 :smiley:

bahahahhaa :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

this is prety funny lol but my offer is 300 lol i see ur car at pepboys if u want il stop down and pay u and il take it home today im off work… lol

Guys i understand you want it for 300 i rember a guy on here telling everyone it was a deal for 300 but no one thought it was becuase they wanted to keep low balling me then i had to do something with the bike like send it to get fixed. so now i just cant sell it for 300 i would be loseing to much im sorry.

thats stright so how much are looking for ball park figure? haha i just joined this site kinda new to albany but yeah if i would have saw it at 300 at the time i woulda bought… any ways if u got an idea on how much u want let me know… thaks


how the hell can u even buy it Lmfao he dont put a price!

Well is the bike forsale or not? If it is put a Price! Not tell me what its worth cuz I dont know but I wanna sell it. Everyone keeps offering $300 cuz u obviously thought that was all it was worth.


hahaha your killin me with these FUUUUUU’s… + rep

ill take it for $200 and pick it up tomarrow, low on cash just bought a new car. lmk if your intrested

4 pages n still no Solid Price. Do us all a favor n delete the thread.

When did we get a bidding section?

lol word he told me 900 in a pm!!!

800$ and somone can take it home whenever title in hand.

The title says $300 though

no… 100

wtf the price has gone up and down like 10 times in this thread

This thread is a bunch of bull shit. Give me the bike and 12000 and you can have your self a shiny silver wrx