97 Vette in service dept since 9/18/07 updated 4/26, FAIL!!

thanks steve… much appreciated. btw do you need a nice used LS1 in a week or 2? i kid, i kid.

i bet the dood is dead…

If he’s not and he comes back to find his car on cinder blocks he’s gonna be pissed… :stuck_out_tongue:

QFT! I would check them out, it would take a long time for them to rust through. It would be a perfect car to track.

See if you can just pay his deductible and keep the car. :slight_smile:

Imagine: The guy wakes up in the hospital. Woh what happened? “Sir you have been in a coma for the past year.” Omg what happened? “You where in a car accident, I am sorry.” Holy crap!..

Gets home and his vette is gone…BALLS!

does the bank have a record of where he works ? doesnt that usualy go on the loan application ?

oh, and pics of said car ?

as much as i hate to say it but in this situation you should probably show no interest in this car. it only gives this guy a reason to say theat you only wanted this car for yourself.

cut and dried mechanics lein situation. some mechanics leins are done when peeple are dicks and refuse to pay, some are done when people get over their head on repair costs, and some are done on abondonded vehicals, and i would call this abondonded. im sure the stack of registered letters would tell any judge the same thing.

if it was my problem, i would

  1. flat bed it to his house
  2. put it in his driveway
  3. place a large bow on it
  4. set up live wireless video feed inside and outside the camera

and wait. and call the police when he touches it. b/c possion is 9/10 of the law and when he has it… IT is his.

*edit- and post it on utube to get all the chicks…

thats a crazy story. I want to know where he is…

That possession part means if you are in possession of stolen goods, you are responsible for the crime unless you can prove otherwise. For example a friend gives out something that “fell off a truck” and the cops find you have it. That doesn’t mean well you have it you are playing with it, so you must have legitimately purchased it. It means: well these serials match the stolen goods, you are under arrest for theft.

Though there are parts in there in reverse saying, If the person it was stolen from cant prove it was stolen. Then possession works in your favor.

I hate the over quoting of that phrase.


I’m not happy about it at all but I was just dragged back down to northern Florida for the next few months. I keep trying to get out of this traveling stuff but they pay me too much to leave =/

Otherwise i’d be over there trying to act as the “innocent” third party trying to buy it =)

Did you check to see if the guy is in jail …

if ya have the guys name and DOB it’s free and easy to do

Sort of on topic, but here is a cheap track Vette


Even if he passed or flew the coop or is in jail you would think that any account that the payments were coming out of would have “dried up” since what 07?

For what a paper weight? Assuming that it is the LS1 from the flood Vette and not another LS1.

i doubt it… i have a savings account that my car payments are made from, it could probably last 2 -3 years

if the money is coming out of his savings account it may last a while depending how much he has in there. why he would waste it i have no idea. complete insanity in my opinion but hopefully I will get a Vette out of it.

UPDATE: insurance adjuster is supposed to come look at the car sometime this week

Good luck with your conquest

No update yet??

unfortunately not until the adjuster comes look at it, then I’ll know what I can do to own that sled

keep us posted, I’m curious to see what happened to him


So the insurance company sent out the adjuster today and he looked at the car and they would like to see if we can get it running before they go and total it so we are going to make an attempt (they are going to pay us). Then the insurance guy called the Vette owner and he answered the phone!!!

The best part is the guy said that he told us to fix the car and call him when it was done and he’s been waiting for us to call him so he could come pick it up. He must not have received the 100 phone calls and 5 or 6 certified letters, not to mention the people who went to his house from the bank and have been trying to call him. It happens I guess… BULL@@@@!!!

He told the insurance guy he was going to call us right away and that was 2 hours ago…

I’m going to call this moron and I’ll keep you guys updated.