97 Vette in service dept since 9/18/07 updated 4/26, FAIL!!


Just drop it in his front yard with a certified letter that reads: “Dear failure, you fail. Sincerely, success.”

Good luck with whatever happens. If it were me I’d just tow it to his house and leave it, but I don’t know how these things work. Even that might leave you with some liaibility. I don’t know. I’m ignorant. :slight_smile: Good luck!

big freakin shock… he didn’t answer when I called. It rang twice and went to voicemail so the moron clicked the “ignore” button.

I have a lein on it and I’m going to sell the damn thing if this guy doesn’t pull his head out of his ass today and call me.

ha ha, i really should. it would leave me liable thats why we haven’t done that already… sucks

That blows. You can’t really even just wash your hands of it. Sounds like you know what you’re doing though.

So how satisfying is it going to be when you legally sell the car and he calls screaming? “Yeah, you don’t own a vette anymore. screaming Are you done? Oh, one more thing: Do you hear that? Yeah, that’s the sound of my vette. It used to be your vette.”

His story makes perfect sense to me. If I dropped my car off for service I wouldn’t think twice if the dealer took 6+ months to fix it. I’d just keep making my payments and assuming they’d call eventually.

This smiley really did come just in time:

LOL!!! God that would feel good, except I would also have to pay off the bank lein as well and take the idiot to court to get the title from him.

stupid f***ing rules…

Man… I’d drop that shit off in a field somewhere or on a street corner and let the police tow it and start charging him $$$. I bet he’ll respond to them rather quickly. Shitty you got stuck in this deal though. We had someone blow an engine on an old Previa then decided to just leave it at our dealer for the entire time I worked there and our service manager never seemed to care. People I tell ya.


“Oh shit, BRB, one of the techs just drove my vette off the damn lift.”


I want to see this guys stupidity garner some sort of punishment.

Just wait till he pays it off…LOL.

Yeah this shit is weak

This guy :fail:'s hard


DIBS ON THE RIMS! :smiley:

i just do not get it. why would you leave a car somewhere and continue to pay on it?Why is he ducking and dodging you.i just do not get it

My money’s on him hiding it from a divorce. :tup:

That would make sense.

The Saga Continues:

So the moron just called me back and told me that he was trying to call our service manager for the longest time and he kept telling him that we were filing an insurance claim and we would get back to him.

Moron: “I called there every thursday for a while and the guy I was calling stopped returning my calls. I mean I can see the car from where I work so I saw it outside all winter and thought you were waiting to start working on it.”

me: “Who were you calling and leaving messages with?”

Moron: “I’m not sure, he works in service. I think its the service manager.”

me: “Our service manager is the guy who has been sending you certified letters and leaving countless voicemails telling you that we are going to sell your car and he wasn’t calling you back? Did you receive the certified letters we have been sending you?”

Moron: “I don’t know. what address were they going to?”

Me: “xxxxxxxxxxxxxx”

Moron: “Well thats my house so I don’t know why…”

Me cutting him off: “Listen (insert moron), I would appreciate it if you stopped jerking me and my service manager around. I will be here tomorrow and I would like you to pay the money you owe and take the vehicle off my lot by noon or I will have to foreclose on the lein that was placed on your title. I don’t want to do that but that is the only option you have left me.”

Moron: "Well I was trying to call…

Me cutting him off again: “(insert moron), you work within sight of your car thats been here for over 200 days, have been getting countless messages from me, the service manager, your bank and insurance company, certified letters and have not responded once. I will be here tomorrow, the car is off the lot and the 600 dollars is paid for by noon or I will foreclose on the lein.”

it went on for a bit but was basically me repeating myself…

Any bets that he doesn’t show up tomorrow and I’ll have to foreclose on the lein?

Eh I’ll be he shows. Sounds like his divorce finalized or something. :stuck_out_tongue: My question is will he pay? If he won’t how hard are you going to choke him? :slight_smile:

I’ll get my money because now its the principal or the bank and I will own a 97 Vette.

EDIT: technically I should charge him about 4,100 in storage fee so if I wanted to be a real jerk I could get that too.

Current: 2000 Camaro SS LS1, 6spd
Soon: 1997 Corvette, 2009 Camaro SS LS2, 6spd

you should have charged a storage fee

20 a day x 200 = 4000$
Then he would pass and you’d get the car.