99 si- WV BUILD

picked this up for $5500 with 98,000 on it, so heres some pics of the begining.


picked these up last night
(Edited by JDM EM1)
got some stuff in for the bay, and started tear down>


got my fuel system mocked up this weekend

(Edited by JDM EM1)

i take it west virginians like hondas? Clean car Good luck with the build

Nice ride… Good luck with the build

looks good. keep it clean.

what happened to the front bumper and grill? stolen or wrecked? stock taillights ftw.

your not removing the brake booster are you?

kinda miss my SI, don’t miss the attention. whats the plan? i’m guessing the upgraded fuel means massive turbo, but then whats the header for?

front bumper was cracked and had the regular grill in it! and no im not removing my brake booster!lol and the massive turbo is not until next year jsut gonna shave the bay and wire tuck for now

clean good luck man!

Looks good man, i like that color blue


got some parts polished

looks good and love the color of ur car.

This is starting to look familiar. Tuck the engine bay, get a bunch of polished parts, live in West Virginia, etc.

yeah but this guy is not an arrogant/ignorant/whatever that can never be wrong.

And his car still have good looking paint!

damn that is good looking. that distributor looks fantastic. lot of time into it i can see that for sure

Mind your business pal and if u aint got some kind of good input then stay off my thread, and yes I do know rogue and he is a friend but this is my build and not his!

thanks man i think it turned out great

Calm down, pal. I never said it was his build, nor did I say anything derogatory towards you/your car.

Lookin good It needs some Pressure though…