A few issues with the new board

they need the spell checker back

Firefox tells you if you’re spelling something wrong…

Yea but they wont correct it

You’re using Firefox right?
If so, when it underlines a misspelled word in red, right click and it gives you the proper spelling options and then you click the correct one and it fixes it.:happy:

WTF why did Nick never tell me this

what. a. noob.

Easy gay stripes

He’s a professional drifter now, check sig.

I have the sticker to prove it

:rofl wat

you are not in california

incorrect you are.

jesus :facepalm

Could we also bring back the “new replies to your posts” option? that was really handy.

Its not gone, go to your user cp and u see on the bottom middle there is new replies to your latest posts.

i got an issue!!! i still cant get on i havent gotten on damn email to reset my p/w singh get ur ass on it… P.S this is steve aka mcflurry

We don’t want you back! :stuck_out_tongue:

We need more mods to prevent these bull shit spam posters

In for moderator consideration.

Swift never even comes on so you might as well replace him. Benny needs to do his damn job and stop talking about pies since he still has not made me one. Shawn got a new job so he at least has a good reason.