A few issues with the new board

:up:up:up The spam is bad now… make me a mod. :slight_smile:

Yea…you need something to block spammers. Maybe make registration harder (aka those pictures you need to dicifer and then type out).

what he said

Yea rather then such an easy way to register

You could also require the new user to click an activation link sent to them via email in order to post.

Both that and the picture thing should really cut down on the number of automated spammers we get hit with.

the problem is being resolved as we speak, there will be approval needed for all new members.

image verification is already in use and bots are getting passed it.

HOWEVER I got a new plugin I have to install taht SHOULD eliminate all bots completely. It will ask a question, obvious question, but one we make up, that bots will never understand, but any human can answer.

Singh, you should have registration verification by personally activating all new members! lol. They will have to call your cell and you can give them a password, lol.

hahaha ! yea i’ll put the question as

“call 378 3092 and ask singh if your good enough”

Put his open sesseme password below:

BTW, I can’t find the smilies thread, but we don’t have a LOL simile?

I dont know, smilies are incomplete right now tho, i think, i dont know

we can add a few here and there i guess :smiley:

Idk where the smilie thread is either, might as well make one :smiley:

vote on ones u dont like , and i’ll take em out and what ones you want me to add

Two more bots: AchatCialisBonMarche, Gaduaxpaf,

Thanks Policeman Paul!

How do you find these bots in the 800 something long member list? :squint

Bots deleted,thanks

Here’s something that might trip a bot up. Time how long it takes them to register. A human cannot register in anything less than 30 seconds. A computer probly takes less than 1.

I’m not sure if Vbulletin has the capabilities to do that, but if you can get access to the HTTP Requests then you can time stamp when they are sent. And just compare the time between sending the HTTP Response that contains the register page and the time you get the submit request for that page.

ive had the same problem …i spent te last few days trying to sign in and reset my password …and i finnaly got a new password now …wtf


And green layout please! :open_mouth:

Check the newest member. Another Cialis bot.

shit that needs to be fixed.

you cant have A word in uppercase.
60 seconds between pm sending pms? wtf.