A few issues with the new board

A word

A lot of new bots, made registration harder, I’ll see how it goes.

Any more issues with the new board?

I haven’t seen any scammers in the past 2 weeks or so, so that’s good.

I don’t have any complaints off the top of my head, I like vB :up

i have no clue how to use the smiles … is there a list like the old forum had ?

Yes there is, when you click the extended reply, look at smily list and click “more” on the bottom of it.

Just fixed the issue that nobody has mentioned that only the very recent posts have been shown in most sections (for the last day) by default and the listing was alphabetical instead of last reply date organized.

Was a confusing mess for any casual visitor.

good work man, i didnt even know wtf the deal witht hat was

Is there a way to sort subscribed threads by read/unread?