A few wakeboarding pictures

Nice man.

Get a QFlash.

Pussy. :slight_smile: 11:30am the same day I was at physical therapy for a muscle in my shoulder/upper back that is tensed up around a rib. They gave me a bunch of stretches to do and said I probably shouldn’t wakeboard.

Yeah, I’ll do the stretches, but the summer is way too short in WNY to not wakeboard on the rare occasions I have free time, the weather is good, and we find calm water.

Or just turn the boat around so the sun is in the right position, and save the flash money for gas. :slight_smile:

I’m still pissed today that I didn’t think about the fact that the camera was going to be facing the sun. It would have taken no time to shoot up river farther so we could have gone the opposite direction.

Semi OT: these boys put together a gnar DVD.

Trailer (which i don’t even think was made by the production company):

Should be available nationally soon in most board shops.

wake skating is a WHOLLLEEEEEEE nother ball game. Sick skill though

I’m sure you were joking, but a shoulder that found its way 2 inches out of it’s socket on July 4th is certainly NOT going to find wakeboarding too pleasant.

I would love to try it in the future though once I’m healed up more. Seems like a totally kick ass hobby.

^ Sorry, thought the smiley would imply I was joking. Separated shoulder + wakeboaring would be bad. I’m picturing just an arm being dragged along by a boat.

:lol: :clap:

Jay you know you’re the board’s favorite antagonist. I can’t wait to see the p-chops that come from this. :tup:

Sweet pics though!

Yeah, I don’t care, if I couldn’t laugh at myself I wouldn’t have posted them.

That old comment was harsh though. Here I am, the only muscles in my body not sore being my toes (and they’ll probably hurt by tonight) and some young punk comes by to kick me while I’m down. :slight_smile:


Seriously though, someone with pchop skills needs to do something funny with JayS and a hillary pic.

Heh. Here. Go!


Come on. Someone. Do it.


:lol: These should be good.

Wait, JayS = Bulldog from Schopp and the Bulldog?

I knew you looked familiar :wink: