A few wakeboarding pictures

Decided to chance the weather tonight and go out for a little wakeboarding. Glad we did because it was a perfect night. Only bad part was the boat was real lightly loaded and we forgot the wakeboard pylon so no big air. Not that my tubby ass should be trying to fly anyway. :slight_smile:

Next time I’ll make sure to have the boat driving away from the sun so the camera has the sun behind it. Lots of under exposure.

Haha, awesome :tup:

I want to try wakeboarding super badly.

That looks pretty fun.

looks fun…

no backflips no care. lol, i liked it when i did it…way easier than water skiing for me.

wow, i forgot how old some people are on here!

nice shots though!

God I love wakeboarding. I haven’t gone at all this summer. :frowning:

if you’re in that situation again, just use your flash. :tup: nice shots.

looks like fun

I told myself I was going to learn how to wakeboard this summer.

Really? I’m about 60 feet behind the boat. Will the flash work at that range?

Built in flash on teh D40 has a range of about 10ft, so no. But the SB-600 has a range of around 50ft…

i miss wake boarding :frowning:

what he said ^

I picked up a crappy flash and I’ll do a comparison vs the built in, it’s a HUGE difference.

This thread needs less half naked dude and more half naked chicks :tspry:

Wow JayS, did not take you for a wakeboarder.

Yeah, I make a big splash when I fall. Tsunami warning stuff.

I am super jealous right now

i always wondered WTF JayS looked like


:clap: to getting out there. I’d love to wakeboard, but I’m too poor and I doubt its a sport for someone with a blown out shoulder either.