A "friend" got in trouble last night - how much $$$?

Original ticket (~4 mos ago maybe): Town of Amherst Expired inspection (never paid)
License got suspended.
Got arrested & impounded last night.
Paid $140 for impound.

Any idea how much / what else he’s looking at?


As long as he already went to court for the expired inspection, they’ll just make him pay the original Expired inspection ticket. If not he’ll have to see the judge on it and then pay the ticket.

Then After all that he has to go down to the DMV and show them proof that he cleared up the matter and they’ll give him license back.

inspection ~150
to get licence unsuspended ~35-250
random fee judge throws on ~35-100

~500 +/- $250

Expensive lesson on paying your tickets. Especially over something as minor as a damn inspection.

^ This isn’t the first instance of him paying tickets at the LAST moment before suspension either. :meh:

In this case he did NOT address the original ticket at all. Didn’t go to court, didn’t pay it, didn’t acknowlefge it basically.



“If I ignore it, it’s not there”.

I’m hoping the quotes around friend mean you don’t normally hang out with this guy.

But anyway… he’s got to get the inspection ticket cleared up first, before the court date for the driving without a license stuff. As long as the inspection is cleared up and he can get the DMV to print something up saying he has a license again I’m guessing the DA/judge will plea down the unlicensed operation stuff.

I have had this happen twice to me. In one day. Both times the cop let someone come get my car and skip the arrest, but i still got the AUO (aggravated unlicensed operation) tickets.

Anyway, once I showed proof that the original ticket had been taken care of, one AUO ticket (Cheektowaga) was dropped, the other was reduced to about 100 dollars (Evans).

I did have a lawyer.

He’s going to have to pay the inspection ticket, as well as a 35 dollar scofflaw fine to the town he got the initial ticket in. Then has to bring that information to his court date with the towing/auo.

i would say he get’s out under or around 500 dollars, depending on lawyer fees.

pm me lawyer info? though I doubt he’d pay for one…


Mine was a family friend. He doesn’t do traffic court.

scoff fine i think went up a ton newman, i had no idea what it was when i was last in court but the kid ahead of me got SOCKED hard with a hefty one.

It was 35 as of the end of last year

mighta been something else the kid got bent over for, i was just amazed hearing him forget he got a DUI.