Uninspected vehicle ticket

How much do these go for nowadays if u plead guilty? I got caught riding dirty one day after my 10 day expired :Idiots

I got one a few days after the ten day. I scheduled an appointment to have it done like a day later. Just brought the paper work to court and got it dropped.


O good, less than i thought :thumbup

get it inspected and u should be good. otherwise court fee and prolly 60 bucks lol. Got a few of these myself… i’m lazy.

Who gotcha?

i plead not guilty for mine a few months back…got to the court room…

Judge: was the car inspected when you were pulled over?
Me: no
Judge: well then why did you plead not guilty to this inspection ticket?
Me: didnt want to pay for it (lolololololol)


edit: ticket was in duanesburg, cost me $180 after courtroom fees

It depends… to get pulled over for an inspection costs more than getting hit with a ticket while the car is parked and a ticket is written and placed on your windshield.

Well i got pulled over, i guess i will just send it in guilty. I’m guessing a judge would be like wtf are you doing here if i plead not guilty

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Dude that’s awesome and totally something you would say. Plus rep when I can.

To all future convicts of this, just tell the judge you had the appt made when you got pulled over, the shop was busy and couldn’t get you in on time :wink: Just make sure it’s inspected before you go to court.

Good thought wayne, +rep when i can again

re-register the vehicle and bring the new 10 day sticker in and tell the judge the cop cant read.

Man, you kids need to learn how to be creative.

Idk man, that involves another trip to dmv? sounds more painful than just pleading guilty and paying lol

True, I didn’t read the question… I assumed it was “how can I get out of it” , not how much does it cost. Pay the $75-$125 and move on. Let us know though.

i’ve gotten probably 4 of these, i have never payed for one of them. get the car inspected and they wont care.

you sure? mine wasnt a fix it ticket it was a some kind of violation. i had to pay for it.

Mine wasnt a fix it either, but the judge was cool. The cop was just being a douche.

yea. only one of them was a fix it. i got all 4 in one weekend, got the car inspected the next week because it wouldn’t pass until i got my new tires on my jlines. in every case they got thrown out. they were all accompanied by no reg tickets too. and one had a speeding along with it. it was a good weekend for tickets with me :lol. i actually got away with driving my car unisnpected all last summer with never getting a ticket for it.

so did u mail all those in not guilty and went to court?

You stop when you do blue and reds?

I kid.