Ticket for overdue inspection

well I havent driven my car in a while and neglected to look at my inspection and it was 4 days over due. Got a ticket in kenmore, with a court date later in the month. I’m wondering if I should just plead guilty and send the ticket in or should go to the court date? What has been people’s experience with this, are fines more or less when you actually go to the court date. Any ideas on how much this is going to run? I almost dont want to be bothered with it because I know they’re going to find me guilty regardless…

did this happen tonight?

its just equipment so no points, if you dont have a defense, id just pay it and get the car inspected. No point in wasting time goin to the court room

get it done go to court they will drop it

yes it happend tonite, if u’d answer ur phone u would have known 20 seconds after it happend!

dont plead guilty there is a mandatory $55 surcharge on top of the price of the ticket

Meh, I had a 10 day temp inspection when I registered one of my cars. Got pulled over, the cop STILL wrote me a ticket for it.
I showed the DA that I had a temp inspection sticker on the day I got the ticket, and that my car is now registered, I still got a $30 fine.
His response was “maybe you’ll get your car inspected the first day you buy it next time”

fucking prick


Some key part is missing from this story.

so… thats not what happened.

How much is your free time worth?

If an extra $50 or so is worth the time to you, just plead guilty and send it in.

Odds are if you go to court, they will still give you a parking ticket. You may save yourself the state surcharge, but is the time worth it to you?

I just got one… plead guilty and got like a 40 fine (I believe, I dont have the paperwork here).

no biggie

if you get the car inspected before court, they drop the ticket.

And for the millionth time, they can fine you according to your record, and their very own mood.

People really need to stop asking about tickets. man up, its a ticket. WHAT USUALLY HAPPENS OMG sounds like a 6 year old getting shots.

Don’t talk unless you know what you are actually talking about.

This does not happen everytime, and a lot of factors play into it.

Even something as minor as if the judge got his pole waxed that day or not.


when I got my ticket, it listed the fine for it right on the ticket. If you plead guilty I don’t think they can charge you more.

Oh, I’m sorry, your post was so immersed in hypocrisy that it was completely illogical.

Yet you :clap: for brilliancy?



other than city parking, the city doesn’t keep the fine because you are breaking NYS V&T law, not a law set in place by the city.

so yes, they will most likely drop it to violation of city parking and assess a fine.


06-05-2008, 11:18 AM
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That reads much better than anything you have ever said on this forum.