Inspection tickets?

My brother’s car has an overdue inspection by a few months. He is just getting the car back from some head work, and really wants to drive it on a small road trip this weekend.

I know it’s asking for trouble, but how much trouble?

probably $50-100 plus whatever other tickets a cop might want to write.

Just giving them reason to pull you (him) over

Probably more trouble than getting it inspected.

you don’t have a brother, Pat.

if the cop does not writes how over due it is your looking at sub 100… if the cop writes how over due the fines are endless…

try to get a 10 day from the dmv

or get the car fixed and make it pass

:lol:i was waiting for that

It’s Tuesday. Get it inspected. :squint:

Take it to Valvoline instant oil change. they usually are pretty quick and easy.

ubengineering pm him

I didn’t think how long it was overdue had anything to do with it. AFAIK one day or one year is still the same “overdue inspection” ticket.

yeah don’t worry, no one pay attention to the first reply

Learned something new today. It does matter how far overdue you are.

Is there a penalty if I do not get an inspection?

You cannot renew your vehicle registration. Inspection stations electronically send a record of all emissions inspections to the DMV. The DMV must have a record that your vehicle passed an emissions inspection during the previous year. Keep the receipt of your emissions inspection sticker to prove that your vehicle was inspected.
You can receive a fine. If the inspection sticker on your vehicle has expired in the past 60 days, you can receive a fine of $25 to $50. If the inspection sticker is expired more than 60 days, the fine is between $50 and $100. If there is no inspection sticker, the fine is between $50 and $100. Mandatory state surcharges of up to $55 are added to the fine.
You can receive a parking ticket. A parked vehicle with no inspection sticker, or with an expired inspection sticker, can receive a parking ticket.

So to answer the OP, assuming nothing else was illegal, you’d be looking at maximum fine of $155.

Of course, if nothing else was illegal, chances are you’d just get the thing inspected.

no if the cop puts 8 months over due… you get a fine for every month over do…or something crazy

i know from first hand exp… got 2 tickets in one day … first ticket was in WS for the ins… just put over due…($10 fine in and out 35 min) second ticket same day in lackawanna cop writes 8 months over due.and inpounded the car (long story). yea $350 in fines and surcharges latter just for the inspection ticket the inpound was droped… that was the day i stop driveing that car

Sure I do :stuck_out_tongue:

The car won’t pass without putting back ECU, injectors, and more. If anyone knows the car, they know what happened the first time those things were touched lol.

I know, whine whine, but sometimes you just want to drive the damn thing. I just wasn’t sure if it was like having no front plate - i.e. more of a “fee” to not have one. :slight_smile:


You sure that wasn’t registration? Look at the link I posted. It’s straight from the DMV.

Dick :stuck_out_tongue: When’re you visiting?

Move to Ohio, NO inspection here!

he’ll be fine. I drove my truck for 5 months on a 10 day and got a ticket. Only cost me $25 lol

i thought they just recently changed the NYSI laws so that every month you were uninspected increases your fine.