A good night's sleep....

Talk to your doctor about skelaxin. Its a muscle relaxer.
Works for me… :headbang:


I have not slept well in about 10 years.
You will get used to it after about 5 years.


2.5 years left for me.
my sleepless ness is because of screaming kids :smiley:

that and “nite guy” is always screwing “morning guy”…
morning guy will be fine on 3 hours sleep, lets get another pitcher.
(less often with the kiddies, but he is still around :lol)

I take nyquil only if I really need to pass out and I am not tired. Maybe once or twice a year.


Talk to your doctor about skelaxin. Its a muscle relaxer.
Works for me… :headbang:



i had that shit years ago when i got hurt.

that shit puts you on your ASSSSS


I take Insomnia med’s but I HATE them cause ya wake up still tired as fuck.

But Weed “I hear” always does the trick.

Or someone else said Warm milk works to


Honestly, the best night’s sleep I get is after “partying” up north. After being awake for 20-40 hours straight, I crash out for 10-14 hours roughly and wake up as rested as baby. Drinking makes me feel like shit. Medicines such as Nyquil make me jiddery and I dont sleep well.



i had that shit years ago when i got hurt.

that shit puts you on your ASSSSS


hahha. only when you take x2 800’s :nite:

another pill that will knock you the fuck out is Ambien. But only problem with that is… you get addicted to them quick, so i dont recommend those. Its more like “heroin” than a pill.


Yrubbing out a few knuckle children/or have someone take a nice salty milkshake from ya


LOL…no problems there…my gf loves having “fun”




My friend is supposed to give me this…he said it knows you TFO.

It does. It’s also a habit forming controlled substance, so be cautious.

Do you work out? Whup your own ass at the gym. It’ll burn stress and tire you out.


My friend is supposed to give me this…he said it knows you TFO.


just dont get hooked on those.

^ yes, I go to the gym 3 days a week. I hit the weights and then cardio. 1.5 hours each visit.




For short term use, this might be the best. It will make you drowsy and put you to sleep pretty quick.

Like everyone else said, don’t use it for continuous use though.

i havent slept great since i started college. its a stress thing for me, and the whole staying up to get my work done throwing in a couple all-nighters and whatnot. architecture school is hell. i havent figured out a way to sleep good and still get up in the morning other than a beer before bed.

if you have access to a hot tub, soaking ni there for about 20-30 minutes before bed will knock you out son!

^ yes, i do have access. I will give that a shot.


I take Insomnia med’s but I HATE them cause ya wake up still tired as fuck.


i tried those, didnt do shit for me, so i just threw out the rest

sleepless nights and waking up at 1230 FTL :frowning:

Alcohol will only inhibit any recoperative sleep you want to get, so find a different route.

But yes, if you don’t fall asleep in 20-30 min of being in bed, get up and find something to do. I usually go watch the History Channel.

Other than that, try to wear yourself out as much as possible during they day/at night, maybe your body isn’t as exhausted as you think it is.

No one said it…

Have you tried sleeping with your shirt on?

By far the BEST cure of insomnia - exercise. Go jog for 2 miles. Seriously. Not only is is healthy and a natural “feel good” thing to do, it puts your body in rest and replenish mode when it comes time to hit the hay.

Edit: sorry I had the answer before I read though everything. You think you might have some stress goin on? There’s a bunch of things I can think of that will help, as it was a problem for my sister growing up and she’s been to the doctors for it. Eat breakfast, exercise (you said you’re already doing so) cut out on late night sugar, eat healthy, finish work early so you’re not up late thinking about it, and one of the things suggested to my sister was to not watch tv/go on the computer before bed, it get’s the wheels turning and may kick your body in to overtime.

you know what else works…
Having sex, or you can also choke the chiK’N before bed time.