A guy walked away from this.....


…partly due to this.


Might get one for next season, still deciding between this or and air vest.

How does one keep riding after watching that guy and his bike fly past you! I’d wanna make sure he was ok

I was thinking the same thing! Glad he made it out alive at least

Such a cool track, bet its nasty on a bike.

oh shit thats barber mp isn’t it… such a sick track, why did he crash? tank slap?

panic and too much front brake?

^ if i remember correctly, the rider said his front brakes weren’t up to temperature. so when he grabbed the front brake he got a surge of heat and the brakes gripped harder than he expected.

that is such a scary sight, seeing him face-plant into the pavement. full-face helmet ftw (and that cool neck brace).

I can see you point but in reality most clubs/race organizations, if not all, have specific rules about stopping (or not stopping) on the track when the track is hot.

A rider that stopped for that rider may cause another accident simply by slowing dramatically and/or try to cut across the track when everyone behind might still be at track pace. Besides, another rider stopping with the intent to help that downed rider gains him nothing as the rider stopping for him is not a paramedic nor have the gear to deal with him and in doing so only delay the real paramedics from helping him.

Paramedics can’t be deployed when the track is still hot, and only until all able riders are off the track. Especially in a lot of cases the shortest distance to the down rider could be going in the wrong direction and/or cutting through different sections of the track.

The best way to help him is obey the flags and do what you are suppose to do according to the type of flags being signaled.

The guy in white in front of them is the lucky one. Looks like the cartwheeling bike just missed him.

holy shit thats awesome he was okay

a friend of mine rides MX and im pretty sure that most of the tracks he rides at require on of those braces.
they’re called Leatte braces

My buddy wears one of those also. A lot of people wear them after that little girl died this year.

Anyone riding anything on a track or semi-aggressive should spend the $500+ for a Lette brace. They are awefull expensive, but think about them first then buy the stupid exhaust pipe that cost the same. One saves your life, other just give you a boner when you ride. Motorcycle, quad, MX, even downhill MTB. Going over the bars is the absolute worst way to wreck. Done it on dirtbikes, quads, and my street bike, you have all of a tenth of a sec, to dive, kiss your ass, and pick a collarbone to brake instead of your neck.

dude was so luck that the bike didnt land 2 feet more to the left after it po-go’d 15 feet in the air… or that neck brace wouldnt have done shit.

Also a back/spine protector should be mandatory gear with the above. I wrecked hard on my quad and someone who saw it said it tumbled end over end less than a foot next to me, I could hear it thump the ground as I rolled away too… Ever since then chest protector is on, racing or trail. Since that I have been drilled my my machine twice from going over the bars, broke a protector and a rib or two each time, but I am still walking. without it I wouldn’t be. 300lb dirtbike, 400lb quad or 450+lb motorcyle will snap you like a twig.

Please ride smart and safe people.

/\ Amen.

Tank slap wouldn’t flip the bike like that.
Looks to me like he flipped it from an endo after braking too hard.
He is very lucky no to get hit by his own bike when it tumbled right behind him, second time it hit the ground sent it flying good 12 feet into the air. Hmm, this really gets me thinking about buying one of these just for street riding.

$500 or walking, hmmm I choose 500 jr bacon cheese burgers. They’ll have robot legs in no time