A history of suck... (awesome update post 99, then 134)

must be his PHOTOGRAPHER name.

Ok, i hate liars and scammers so I can understand the hatred i suppose.

More importantly Fry, how long has he been stalking you?

Lol this thread has so much potential

Hes a level 3 sex offender. Real name is bergeron. He changed it on facebook because too many people realized that hes a scumbag. He’s a deadbeat dad of 4 children in multiple states as well. I could go on ALL day about him but no one really cares.


POLICE REPORTS: Published March 25, 2007

Staff Reports

North Tonawanda, NY — NT man charged

with sexual abuse

A North Tonawanda man was arrested early morning Saturday after an officer saw him engaged in illegal contact with a minor.

Christopher M. Bergeron, 23, 553 Falconer St., North Tonawanda, was charged with third-degree sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child about 1 a.m.

The officer, who was on patrol, found Bergeron with the minor in the parking lot of Gilmore Elementary School, according to police reports. The age of the victim was not released.

Bergeron was released on his own recognizance.

And then the thread got more interesting…

I know some pic of him and DoS had girls that were celebrating their 18th birthday in it.


If you ever see him with a 17yo, call the police.


I think this was the group of girls…

Merged with “a history of suck” thread. Newman needs to update the first post, lol.

Another username to add: Joe Basil Chevy‎ (he’s no longer employed there)

Oh my god im so happy that you merged these threads. I had no idea he was such a loser on here as well.

He was fired from basil for ripping the bumper off of a brand police cruiser supposedly. He had it in the grass to take pictures of it, got it stuck, and tried to put it out with his girlfriends Sti. Thats the story i was told, but I dont know it to be fact. Hopefully theres someone that works there that knows what happened.


He signed up here as “Joe Basil Chevy” and asked for vendor permission, with legit contacts at Basil. We gave it to him after confirming he was indeed hired to do social media work by them, but we also gave “conditions” based on his history here. After some time he no longer worked at Basil and his “Joe Basil Chevy” account here was frozen.

I had no idea he was a sex offender too :frowning:

Is that 100% his name? and he’s 27-28 now?

Juat he was a pedophille? Jesus Christ his story gets better by the minuate!


From his fb…


I live with his ex, and the mother of one of his 4 children. I know it for a fact. I also confirmed it with the police.

“His” sti was actually owned by his ex. When she decided enough was enough, I went and took the car from him in the middle of the night and hid it. He called the police multiple times to try and report it stolen, and they told him to fuck off since it wasnt his. He then left a voicemail on his ex’es phone saying that the buffalo police were looking for me to arrest me for stealing the car. I called the buffalo police and they laughed at me, said to ignore anything he says. He then tried to have me arrested for stealing the navi-head unit that he installed in the vehicle. The police told him that hes the retard that installed parts in someone elses vehicle and left.

He cant have a drivers license in NY because of all the back child support that he owes. He has a fraudulently obtained license from another state currently. His ex bought him his motorcycle from the money she got from the sti – she wanted him to buy a car so he could at least be a small part of his daughters life, so he bought a motorcycle instead. I am now more of a father to his child than he will/can ever be.

He is now leeching off of another girl in NT. I am friends with someone who knows the girl-- she said that he brainwashed her, that he takes all of her money and that no one is friends with her anymore.

---------- Post added at 07:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:47 PM ----------

This is his photography website.


For the love of god, please look at the “pricing” page. The names of the packages make me literally feel embarrassed for how retarded he is.

cliffs -

You’re poking his ex.


I’m not. Shes dating someone else.