A history of suck... (awesome update post 99, then 134)

Your live in g/f is dating someone else?

Oh lord. I forgot you aren’t allowed to have a roommate of the opposite sex on here. I had a 2 bedroom apartment. She needed somewhere to move. There are other issues going on here that arent anyones business as well.

You can have one.
You just need to be sexing her.

I didn’t think it was possible he could suck more in real life than he did online, but then Stuiephoto comes along with all kinds of new info. Congrats good sir, you proved it is possible.

I drive a purple miata. Common.

I’m sure I will be able to add more once I remember it. I had filed him in the back of my head for a while, so I will have to dig it up again.

From his twitter/instagram. This girl clearly read the news article.



The instagraming hurts my brain.

wow what a waste of life he is

It’s about to get good. I just added to that post…

Never mind, he deleted the comment as soon as I said something. LMAO

It’s deleted lol.

LOL @ ryan… ahhahahaha


LOL. Hes read this thread already. Made all of his twitter shit private. What a loser.

I laughed out loud.

He read it: 06-27-2012, 03:23 AM


Whats his username now? lol.

Yeah, I noticed everything started going private last night.

Can we just get our torches and tar and feather him as a village already?

In a way I sorta feel bad for him.