A history of suck... (awesome update post 99, then 134)

I’m sorry but I do NOT and will NOT feel bad for a sex offender no matter what the circumstances are.

There are registered sex offenders who were 18 and had sex with there 17 y/o girlfriend or whatever. Not saying this is the case.

And regardless of the sex offender shit, I feel bad for someone that feels the need to lie and fabricate stories in order to feel accepted. However his life developed to make that happen is sad. I realize he makes his own choices, but it’s sad that those are the choices that he makes.

I don’t feel bad for him. He still sucks in my eyes, but thats just my opinion.

Someday, when you’re older, you’ll learn sympathy. Poking fun is one thing. I love it. Shit, I’ll probably still do it here, but at the core I feel sad for him.

Go give him a hug?

He needs therapy. Haha.

DrDoS is in his support circle things will be ok

I had hot JB girlfriends when I was in HS, whatevs.

Where is the JB thread…I miss it.

I think I just had a heart attack! Newman showing some evidence of not being a complete hardass shit stirrer and maybe having a little bit of a soul on the inside. :stuck_out_tongue:

i agree. he seems like a dweeb but i feel bad a little.
He has a lot of people talking shit about him, and its only another reason to continue on with his shitty ways to make him self look acceptable

His name isn’t showing up on the public registry.
Might be that he wasn’t convicted?

Level 3 offenders aren’t listed. Trust me, its true. I have friends in law enforcement who have run his name and it comes up. He was 23 and the girl was 16.

Edit: sorry I had the levels reversed. He’s a level 1 not a level 3.

Yes, level 1 are not listed on the registry because of low risk of re-offending. Only two and three are listed.

Not leveling up? Noob.

IanK was power leveling by the time he was 12 years old.

“their” ----got you good fucker lol



So should I be watching dateline or America’s most wanted to see if he will be on their someday?

This is amazing. (The fact he found 4 girls to sleep with him.)