A history of suck... (awesome update post 99, then 134)

So here’s a story.

Some girls I know do aerial silks, and they asked me to come help rig up the place they were performing, so I was there when the photographer showed up and one of the girls texted him to let him know I was just finishing up, but he refused to come in the building until everyone but the girls had left. Guess who the photographer was…

He was the photographer at several weddings I’ve been to. The priest yelled at him one time for being annoying.


I don’t know him at all, nor do I really care… but i’m bored today. WNYsportriders is a pretty dead forum, but I did remember a photography thread with an overly annoying guy and a cbr1000 repsol :shrug:

What is that link for those of us without an account?

sounds like a true artist. :slight_smile: