A little teaser from our track day at AIS, 56k should jump off a bridge

welcome to shift518.com sign up and shit talk all day…it’s what we do!

Yeah srsly. It’s a real shame since Vlad seems like a nice guy. Wish the people on his forum were as legit.

yeah i know.

im lgeit…in the audio world :smiley:

cars have tailpipes, not as soft and moist, but a hole nonetheless

steve talked me into drifting my cutty:excited, 400lb/tq here i come!!:ahh

i’ll be at the june 19th event. it’s $60, right? i’ve gotta burn up the cooper cobras that came on my beat up stock wheels :rofl :rofl

so now can i get invited to JDM BBQ’s??? :excited

:‘( :frowning: :’(

i figured i would be shunned on for even considering failing with open diff, i guess if i have a car i can go out and make myself look like a ass :Idiots

i have 13whp and a car designed from the ground up for grip and i’ll be out there, you have no excuse not to be :lol

its going to be so embarrassing, :lmao

Gotta start somewhere.

since when is having fun/learning embarassing? :lol

Kramerbutts remember that sweet MR2 i posted in your build. He drifted that all the time. Same engine as your car and everything.

He did pretty good. The biggest problem i guess in that car is staying sideways cause the wheelbase is so small

not to mention that the track layout definitely will appeal to beginners, easy to link corners, not too long…so no one should have an excuse not to come.

So I should be able to hit 4th gear WOT in this course right? :lol

120mph+ entries for sure.

I wont be making the first event (driving anyways)

but im going to try and do the second event for sure…

Ill suck

my clutch will probably die as its life is short now…

but I plan on having fun

and possibly breaking my car


Hahahahahaha awesome