A Look at the War and What is at Stake.

wow. touchy subject. lotsa ballsy people in here. gotta respect everyones opinion and i see a little bit of everyones point.

we have enemies. only way to be “safe” is to eradicate those enemies. tough to do when they have no central location. yes, it can be argued that muslims are the ones doing the damage so muslims are who we should profile, but the percentage of people in the muslim religion, who are for the cause of destroying the US and western culture is small comapred to the worlds population of muslims.

in a way…yes i am glad i can say “doesnt effect me, so i dont have to care” as ashamed as i am to admit that…but unfortunately i think that happens to be fine print on the contract of living the american dream. what sucks is i am very certain that this will not be the case for my children. america wont be the #1 super power very much longer as hard as that is to imagine…i just think thats the inevitable truth. noone stays #1 forever, cuz everyone is always gunning for #1. and when i think of it that way i want to say “turn the middle east to a sheet of glass, civilians or not” becuase thats really the only way to ensure safety…but i couldnt push that button…i would hate to be the person who would.