A new law you might not know.

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You pay fines for a reason… This is a “tax” our awesome politicians snuck in behind our back for extra revenue, and is total complete bullshit in my opinion. The government in NY can suck my cock. If they really gave a shit about safety, they’d outlaw smoking, not raise the taxes (again) on them :wink:

In my opinion, traffic tickets are written PURLEY for profit… Why do I say that?
Because, if you REALLY wanted to cut down traffic violators, instead of fining them, make them do community service.

10-20mph over = 5 hrs community service
20-30 mph = 10 hrs community service
and so on and so forth.

Your typical middle-upperclass citizen is not worried about dishing out $100 when he/she gets pulled over. BUT, start handing out community service instead of fines, and watch EVERYONE slow the fuck down.

This is true. My time is very valuable to be.

I’m super worried about court for my latest ticket. I’m going to get bent over. I’m 6+ points already.

im so sick of paying for shit. They want us to work nonstop so we have no time for family, friends, vacation, religion etc. You have too much shit to pay for nowadays that its all you can think about.

I got hit with this 2 years ago. Random letter in the mail stating that I owe $150 a year for 3 years. Didn’t I pay the fine for these violations when I paid the tickets. The thing that sucks is that I received the ticket a year and half after my last moving violation. I haven’t gotten a ticket for 3 years or so now and I’m still paying for it.