
How many points are you aloud to have against your license before it gets suspended? I’ve heard different amounts from a bunch of people. Just curious.

I’m not positive, but I think if you get 6 at one time, they can revoke your license, even though the total limit is higher.

ask talin aka swift he should know

8 i do belive

x2, but i have heard ppl say like once ur this age u can get more points or something idk

Ask 2toneishot. He’s an expert on points.

is there some info you don’t won’t to share at this time

with you first offense at 6 points you get to take the fun written test. If you pass the written test you do not lose your license. However if the fine is over 30mph you lose your license.

I know from experience on this one. I have lost my license once and had to take the test once.

3 points are taken off for every clean year of driving. if you have 6 points you need to be clean for 2 years, however if you get a ticket between the 2nd and 3rd year those 6 points come back.


I have to take some class on the 12th of this month to get 2 off…hahah


The system is total bullshit. I have 2 speeding tickets and now have 8 points…

to clarify the first suspension is at the first 6 points… if you do not pass your test.

The driver has 30 days to successfully pass the exam or else the license will be suspended until the exam is passed. If the
exam is passed within the 30 day period, 2 points will be removed from the driving record.

6 points then you have to take a test
If you pass the test you lose 2 points, but then you can accumulate up to 11 points. at 12 points its suspended 10 days for every point you have. When you come off your suspension you only have 5 points. Make sense?

Reckless Driving conviction is 5 points and 6 month suspension
30 over the limit is 5 points and a 6 month suspension

2 pts. per year come off for clean driving.

11 points if upass the 6 point test(which i did twice),but…if u get 11 u still get another test,beleive me i had to do it…96 in a 55 will do that to joo :wink:

ive been friends with swift since i was a kid…i know his story lol

anyways, i got 3 points back in june…and now i have another 4 so i have to take a points test or some shit…thats all

aren’t you still a kid :hsdance:

3 points come off 12 months from the incident. aleast thats what the site says… penndot.

However if the fine is over 30mph you lose your license.

I know from experience on this one. I have lost my license once and had to take the test once.

3 points are taken off for every clean year of driving. if you have 6 points you need to be clean for 2 years, however if you get a ticket between the 2nd and 3rd year those 6 points come back

x2…cept i didnt lose my license since i was fortunate to get it knocked down to 30 over instead of 38 over. got 5 points and lost 3 every year afterword with clean driving

would have lost the license adn had to take test/driver school they said

I had 18 points before I turned 17…

my first ticket was for 32 over (72 in a 40) thanks god I slowed down to pass people! For that one I got 5 points and a departmental hearing, if you miss the hearing it’s an automatic 60 day suspension (yay I missed the hearing)

If you get the points fast enough it doesn’t matter. When you get your license back you start at 5 points. I skimmed right past 6 the first time through, then the second time I passed through 6, I had to take the test. Then the third time I crossed six I had a departmental hearing at which the threatened to take my license (but didn’t) the second time I passed 11…

well anyways the first time you hit 11 you loose your license 5 days for every point, then the second time you loose it for 10 days per point, and the third time you loose it for 15 days per point, but I don’t remember what happens the fourth time and so on…
If you get caught driving on a suspended/expired/revoked license you automatically loose it for a year ( yeah had that one too)

I’ve honestly talked my way out of more tickets than I’ve received… but regardless the file in the cabinet that holds my license information is the biggest file!

Don’t worry I’m better now, my last speeding ticket was for 97 in a 55 out in Wyoming on my Honeymoon in '01 and I talked my way out of a 94 in a 65 2 easter’s ago (thanks to my daughter screaming her ass off since I stopped the car)

regardless there has only been a month’s time that I went without driving…

Well Im taking that test the 12 at 10am in bridgeville… Is it hard?

you should just turn in your license and keys now…thanks :slight_smile: