Fucking Judicial system

So yesterday I went to fight a careless driving ticket ( that i really didnt deserve). So I get into the courtroom (opiela) and the judge tells teh cop to start his side of the story. So the cop starts his story by saying blah blha blah i saw the defendant mr mckenna in his honda while driving south on mcknight road in my marked patrol car on whatever date it was. And I say wait a minute, you definitely werent going south on mcknight road you were sitting in the parking lot at northway mall. He then changes his story and goes, oya…hes right sorry i was sitting in the parking lot hes absolutely right. so he continues and later gets to a part in his “story” and says that i was weaving traffic, and i stop again and say when and where in my driving did i make 1 lane change, and he goes well i can’t remember maybe you didnt but you were definitely going faster than the speed limit. So he gets done and I tell my story and the judge asks the cop “were you able to get an accurate speed on Mr, Mckenna” and the cop says no b/c there was traffic and i couldnt pace him nor could i clock him but im pretty sure he was speeding. so after all this… after i correct the cop twice and make him look like the fuckstick that he is, the judge says im gonna hve to make a call based on credentials and the bad news is that the careless driving ticket sticks, the good news is you obviously don’t agree with me. I just stood up, shook my head and walked out. BIGGEST TWO ASSHOLES I HAVE EVER CAME ACROSS IN MY ENTIRE LIFE AND I HOPE THEY FUCKING DIE A HORRIBLE FUCKING DEATH


you don’t have to be anything (degree / credentials / past experience) to be a magistrate… i think that’s beat, because it’s always someone that’s buddy b uddy with the cops.

always fuckin bullshit!

wow that sux

shouldn’t have been speeding :finger:

cops> you

maybe 5 over at most…

thats bullshit… is it worth it to appeal?

Probably not cause its a $50 non refundable fee to appeal

did they at least void out any points and just stick you with the fine?

nope…everything stuck


Starting to get old time to get rid of the truck and buy a mini-van :booty:


Well… I must say… I drive reasonable… and safe. (Except that one time where I almost merged into Sonny on the parkway. :eek:) I have had 3 speeding tickets and a warning… but I don’t see how a cop would just pull you over for ‘no reason’ :dunno: Not really siding with the cop… just questioning the real story. :wink:

i honestly just think he had a stick up his ass that day…i had 2 other ppl with me in the car and he even took their licenses and did background checks on them and wasted more of my time…not that its precious or anything =)

oh… ok… I see… maybe he was just an ass then… but I always question getting pulled over… because it usually isnt for no reason at all…

fight it again… and say “If there was no accurate reading of my speed how am i getting a ticket, nor does he know his side of the story”

Welcome to my life. At least you get your carelesses in person rather than by mail. Just when you thought you got away…

I was riding this summer and some guy decided to call the cops on me and the 4 ppl i was with saying we were speeding and weaving in and out of traffic. So they put out an APB on us and we get pulled over in the strip district. The officer does his usual “hey im an ass” routine and lets us go bc we had been on 279 from wexford and he didnt even see us until we got into the strip. A month later I got careless driving and driving at an unsafe speed citations in the mail. Keep in mind at no point did a cop clock us, let alone SEE us doing anything, they based it all on some random ass that called in on us. It did end up gettin dropped bc the guy never showed for court but the judge (Bubash on the north side) made sure to tell me that I, along with everyone else who rides, can go kill ourselves for all she cared. The judicial sucks! /rant

so opeila is an ass ehh? I have a hearing with him for a careless in a little while too…

althought, one other thing… i get a feeling that the magestrate has ultimate authority in his court room, but i think that him and the cop discuss it before the hearing and decide your fate before they even see you. in the other tickets i’ve had in the past, i had a cop tell a total lie, and the judge tell me she didnt believe me! and i’ve also had to not say a word… walk in and the judge ask me, “did you learn a lesson?” I say yes, and he lets me off…
so i think it depends on the cop as much as it does the magestrate… i think the cop decides your fate, and the magestrate goes with him.

what cop was it?

i honestly hve no idea… prob like 5’10 black hair, young guy. but I can’t make out his signature on the ticket.