1st speeding ticket ever--and it sucks

my mom has an ice cream shop on monongahela (sp?) street in swissvale by the sunocco gas station. she opened up in mid summer and today was teh 1st time i went to see it as she asked em to come help her out.

on the way there, i got nailed on the rankin bridge for doing 57 mph in a 25. 1st ticket ever. can u say bye bye liscense for excessive speeding of 31+ mph over the limit, which is loss of liscense for 15 days atleast. that blows, figuring i been on my own policy since i got my liscense when i was 17, and have never had any speeding tickets or points on my liscense.

Officer was polite to me, younger gentlemen. I have to plead not guilty, and hope the judge has pitty on me or the officer dont show.

mad fawk.

first ticket, you will get off…

youll at least get it lowered so its not too bad !!

yeah, my first ticket was 59 in a 25, i was 17 at the time…judge chick lowered it to 35-25. be polite and everything and they will go easy on you

sorry to hear. go to court and you will be fine.

actually, i think i may have a leg to stand on to fight this.

officer said i was doing 57 mph. or i traveled 100 feet in 1.2 seconds if my calculations are right.

however, it says miles timed= 100ft, and secs timed= 120 There is no 1.2

in addition, i was “clocked” for my ticket. it says the date the equipment was tested was 7/25/05. i thought u had to have equipment tested every month?

anyone got a site for me to look into this.

also, can someone please check my math to make sure im correct. if im doing 57 mph, how many feet per second is that? once u get ft per second, then you would take that time 1.2 for 1.2 seconds, and that shoudl = 100 feet.

i had a ticket like that. i lost of course

when i was 18 or 19 i got 31 over

it costed me my license for 15 days, 5 pts, high speed hearing its really bad to get it dropped. its not just one violation its listed as 3. and insurance companys look past one flaw but thats a 3 taxer so youll see a problems with insurance. took me 5 yrs for that shit to clear. yes the points were gone in 2 yrs and the 3rd being free but that lose and high speed stayed there for 5 yrs

Im still paying higher insurance for a Careless 3 years ago this September 23rd.

Good luck Sailor

Yea, i thought i saw once that the equipment had to be tested every 2 weeks… but i know several ppl to have gotten off over even the slightest little mistake on the ticket… in that case, take it into the secretary at the magistrate… if the tickets not correct, they always just make you innocent (from my experience)
oh and if that doenst work, judges usually are nice on ur first ticket… i got a 70 in 45, and the judge dropped it to 50 in a 45

good luck

but it depends on the judge also… i had a judge look at me and tell me she didnt believe my story… pretty pathetic, especially after the cop told her that i left a patch of tire through the intersection (in the rain???) and that my excuse to him was that my clutch slipped (i have an auto)… so he totally fucking lied to the bitch, and she told me that she didnt believe me… stupid hoe

i got you beat, im fucked real bad. lets see a careless,wreckless and a speeding ticket all with in a few weeks. hell careless and wreckless was within 24 hours.

good job 4 more and you will catch up to me. ive had 5 speeding tickets 2-30 mph over 1-22 mph over 1- 23 mph over and a 12 mph over yea my insurance company pwns me every month.

I just can’t wait to be paying the over 25 year old rates soon :slight_smile:

Good luck George :bowdown:

ohwell, its only money. 3 letters for new motto … F T P

over 25 rates is bullshit. im 25, my rates didnt drop.

mine did but now thats going ot change

i had a 26 over back in march, the cop/judge reduced to 11 over and $50 or so was taken off

laws are written by men, laws are also cheated by men.

gotta love how that works :rolleyes:


300,960/60 = 5016 ft/min

5016/60 = 83.6ft/sec

83.6*1.2= 100.32ft


my calcs exactly— which means his 120 seconds instead of 1.2, which it shoudl eb, means i was going 1.0032 ft per second.

edit, forgot my decimal point too, lol.