First Ticket - Anyone know a lawyer?

I did do a good amount of searching on here to see if I can find any good information on a lawyer. I moved up here 4 months ago so I’m not familiar with any good lawyers and the area (which caused me to get a speeding ticket).

19 with a clean record, other than on the cell phone while driving i got a year ago. Got caught going 53 in a 30 on Sand Creek in Colonie. I thought it was 45, I never go down that road. Cop was really nice, complimented my car, didn’t ticket me for my tints (he said he wasn’t), told him I only lived up here for a month (so he knows I’m unfamiliar with the roads), my ID is a different address 2 hours away.

I don’t know really anyone on here, really haven’t gotten a chance to yet, but some help from a local cop would be great, won’t let your help go unrewarded.

*I know to plead not guilty, but I’m trying to get this reduced to parking on pavement, I really can’t afford points on my license. And my 8500 went from no KA band to full, so that POS didn’t help.


jean horan ftw!

Did a Google and Yellow Pages search, didn’t come up with anything, :ahh:ahh:ahh

Tocci Parker Tocci on Central not far from Colonie Center (if going towards Schenectady it’s after Colonie Center on your left).

Honestly, you probably won’t need a lawyer if this is your first speeding offense. It will probably get reduced to a non moving violation in court. You may get a chance to explain yourself, which you can, but try not to sound like you were wronged, it was your fault after all…IMO, this is probably money wasted on a lawyer.

So how should he explain himself?

“Oh Sir, I am sorry that my radar is not working properly. I am new to the area so I assumed the stretch of road I am on has a speed limit of 45 mph but I decided to drive at 53 mph anyway.” :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

have u ever went to court without a lawyer? i never once had to explain why i did. they always drop them down. i confused the guy as to why i pled not guilty when it was for an illegal head light color and exhaust. he asked why i didn’t plead guilty, i said i figured maybe you could drop one, if not no big deal, he said sure pay for the exhaust. i have never used a lawyer and never not had tickets reduced.

I just meant don’t sound like a child. Explain you’re new in the area and believed the road to be a 45mph zone. Look sharp, be respectful, no gum and keep your hands out of your pockets!

+1 Jean horan, 75$ and its a parking on pavement ticket

I tried dealing with a ticket myself once… It was out in weedsport and I was hit for an 87 in a 65. I called and cancelled the first time and claimed I had the flu. I showed up the second time and it turns out the state trooper didn’t show up.

I went into the office and the DA informed me that the officer didn’t arrive. Before I could even get a word out the DA said since I cancelled on them once, that they were going to cancel on me and that it was going infront of the judge. I told him I just drove 2 hours to be there… he said, “Oh ok, well you’ll get a 220 dollar fine and 2 points on your license.” I tried talking that down and he said he wouldnt drop a 6 pt violation down to no points. He then told me goodluck going infront of the judge and basically said I had no chance in proving I was innocent and told me I’d wind up with a larger fine and more points without any chance to plea. So, I bent over and took my ass raping and ended up paying 300 total with 6 points.

Second time I was going up near Caroga and passed a car doing 40 in a 55. A trooper came flying around the bend about a mile up the road and didn’t even show any sort of courtesy when he saw I was in the middle of passing a guy. He pulled me over, told me I was speeding but would ticket me for an unsafe pass. I was baited… I skipped court all in general and went to the DA directly before my date. Told her what happened and she threw it right out.

Third time I got a lawyer for speeding, had it dropped and paid 300 total including lawyer fees.

Goodluck with whatever you choose though man. Seems like when you’re 18/19 you get caught for everything lol. I havent been pulled over for anything involving a point violation in nearly 5 years though.

Yeah after I turned 21 I stopped getting tickets.

Oh wait I crashed my fun car, nevermind. See you guys in court this spring :rofl

Go to court. Plead not guilty, speak to DA, explain your story. They SHOULD drop it pretty easy, probably something like failure to obey a traffic control device or parking on pavement etc. I think they just raised the surcharges for most areas didnt they (within the last year or so)?

this. Exactly. i’m sure you will be fine without a lawyer bro, especially with a clean record!

that first one should’ve been dismissed on the spot bro.

Yep. But it’s weedsport… No lie, nearly 100 people at the courthouse. People were lined up outside waiting. The DA took advantage of the fact I was only 18. I knew if the trooper didn’t show up that it’d be thrown out, that’s why I cancelled once lol. They pulled some shady shit and I wasn’t about to drive back out there for another court date.

Serious, if any of you drive around exit 40 just take notice of how many people they get out there, it’s nuts. It’s worth it to do 60 in a 65 there. I heard they do shit like that all the time.


Misdemeanor speeding reduced to disobey traffic device with a long record!

Damn! Thanks for all the responses! I’m used to dealing with local cops from where I am, they pull you over just for the hell of it. I drove without my front license plate there for NO JOKE 75 feet before getting pulled over. Really am crossing my fingers on this to get it reduced to parking on pavement.

Btw hope to meet you guys one day at a local 518 meet.

god damn they sound fun. i would get pulled over every day with cops like that and my car is stock, just don’t have a front plate on it.

Its Jeane Heran that’s why your Google search yielded nothing

52 in a 30 to parking on pavement, Jeane Heran ftw!