First Ticket - Anyone know a lawyer?

my dad is a lawyer. he specializes in vehicle and traffic defense work. PM me if you want any more information.

Dont use a lawyer. I used one for my first ticket when i was 16 cuz my dad made me use his lawyer. Ever since them i handle them on my own and not one has stuck. they have always been dropped down or completley dropped. Just plead not guilty and talk to the DA. He will see a clean record and just drop it to parking on pavement

I had a similar thing happen to me in the spring, my very first ticket i went to court by myself, ended up getting not getting it dropped at all, so when i got my first speeding ticket I decided not to fuck around and just got a lawyer. Got it reduced to parking on pavement she charged me $100 because it was in lake george town court.


jeanne heran
783 6047

Will give a call to Jean on Wednesday, thanks guys!