Ubuntu considerations, thinking about installing it.


Its funny because Fedora comes with more GUI config tools that Ubuntu according to everyone…

Fedora Core 6 looks sick compared to Ubuntu from the GUI perspective out of the box.


gui config was the least of my worries when i went to ubuntu. i wanted ease of install, doesnt get much simpler then the live cd.

i also wanted harware compatability. since i use a laptop, wireless is the biggest issue. feisty fawn recognized my wireless card and had it installed when i booted up. after some web searching i found out that i only needed to install one package to get the wireless fully functional. this package was in the repos and was easy to apt-get.

then and only then, did i start to even think about tinkering with the eye candy, which i happen to like so far. beryl is VERY configurable

before feist fawn, i found it difficult to get my wireless installed. and even once the drivers were in, the wireless manager was HORRIBLE. u had to get seperate programs to manage wireless networks or else it made u wanna stab ur eyes out. now with feisty fawn, they included a roaming mode which actually displays ssid’s and signal strength. its A LOT like the mac airport manager in terms of looks and feel for the menu in the top right.

so, in closing. Feisty Fawn >>>>>>>>>* . its easy to install, very functional. easy to add programs onto and very easy to get all ur hardware up and running. what more could u want from it?