Ubuntu considerations, thinking about installing it.


well i havent had windows installed on this machine in over a year, but i can say that my machine was never FAST with windows.

btw, my computer is a Pentium4m 2.4ghz with 512mb ram. Right now i am running feisty fawn fresh install with beryl setup with transparencies and wobbly windows and all and i am not noticing ANY lag. things are very snappy, and very cool looking for the minimal amount of tweaking that ive done


Yeah I keep Windows on a separate partition just in case… Came in handy when I needed to setup verizon DSL.

Not to thread hijack but how is your performance in firefox with beryl enabled? When I had beryl enabled (on my laptop and desktop), switching tabs was noticeably slower. So slow in fact that I have permanently disabled beryl.

Im debating between Ubuntu and Fedora


So slow in fact that I have permanently disabled beryl.


Same here no beryl for me. More cause it annoyed the shit out of me…


Im debating between Ubuntu and Fedora


Its up to you if you want something easy to set up, then Ubunutu…

If you don’t mind a little tinkering, and software the instant it came out… then fedora

Its funny because Fedora comes with more GUI config tools that Ubuntu according to everyone…

Fedora Core 6 looks sick compared to Ubuntu from the GUI perspective out of the box.

I tried Fedora… well Red Hat and then Mandrake, back when rpm dependency hell existed… And it definitely was hell. When Debian came out with apt-get that was all I needed to know before switching.

Just thinking about rpm’s leaves a foul taste in my mouth…

Actually at work we have a fedora core 2 box and while getting apt-get setup on it was a bitch (well not really, but it took about 15 minutes) it worked really well and the repo’s were really nice.

Jim I have only used Fedora 5/6 there is a tool called yum…installs everything f you…

yum install apache

done :slight_smile:

If it the app you install has any dependency’s it installs those for you also

im not sure how package management with fedora core is done. ubuntu is all debian based and the package manager identifies all dependencies and installs them automatically as well :slight_smile:

is fedora core debian based? rpm’s are hell


Its funny because Fedora comes with more GUI config tools that Ubuntu according to everyone…

Fedora Core 6 looks sick compared to Ubuntu from the GUI perspective out of the box.


gui config was the least of my worries when i went to ubuntu. i wanted ease of install, doesnt get much simpler then the live cd.

i also wanted harware compatability. since i use a laptop, wireless is the biggest issue. feisty fawn recognized my wireless card and had it installed when i booted up. after some web searching i found out that i only needed to install one package to get the wireless fully functional. this package was in the repos and was easy to apt-get.

then and only then, did i start to even think about tinkering with the eye candy, which i happen to like so far. beryl is VERY configurable

before feist fawn, i found it difficult to get my wireless installed. and even once the drivers were in, the wireless manager was HORRIBLE. u had to get seperate programs to manage wireless networks or else it made u wanna stab ur eyes out. now with feisty fawn, they included a roaming mode which actually displays ssid’s and signal strength. its A LOT like the mac airport manager in terms of looks and feel for the menu in the top right.

so, in closing. Feisty Fawn >>>>>>>>>* . its easy to install, very functional. easy to add programs onto and very easy to get all ur hardware up and running. what more could u want from it?


Jim I have only used Fedora 5/6 there is a tool called yum…installs everything f you…

yum install apache

done :slight_smile:

If it the app you install has any dependency’s it installs those for you also


Yeah, that’s how apt works. I had to install apt on fedora core 2 only because yum wanted to upgrade every package, and me, being the new guy, didn’t want to upgrade the entire box to install one package and risk the upgrade breaking something.


im not sure how package management with fedora core is done. ubuntu is all debian based and the package manager identifies all dependencies and installs them automatically as well :slight_smile:

is fedora core debian based? rpm’s are hell


RPM’s used to be hell… They are fixed now with apt/yum

I will have to try these out…I have only run UNIX variants in server applications. Fedora/Redhat/Debian/RHEL/FreeBSD/OpenBSD/Knoppix/Slackware/SunOS/Solaris/IRIX…

Im debating if I should blow away my Windows partition and goto town or just split up this HD.

Don’t forget HP-UX


RPM’s used to be hell… They are fixed now with apt/yum


LOL i loved RPMs, sure beats compiling like when i had a gentoo box

i cant speak for all linux distros, but if ur going with ubuntu feisty fawn, there is no need for windows.

if there is anything that u need, just install vmware


i cant speak for all linux distros, but if ur going with ubuntu feisty fawn, there is no need for windows.

if there is anything that u need, just install vmware


I think that’s where I’m headed. Ill see if I can download a distro before I work on the datsun tonight and install it at work tomorrow.

:tup: .


Its funny because Fedora comes with more GUI config tools that Ubuntu according to everyone…

Fedora Core 6 looks sick compared to Ubuntu from the GUI perspective out of the box.


i just found out that ubuntu feisty fawn comes with compiz already installed, just has to be enabled in the desktop effects applet within system -> preferences. It enables wobbly windows and the cubed workspace effect. Beryl is easily installed tho using apt-get and is a million times more configurable.

If it matters, I got Ubuntu to work on an old IBM Thinkpad 600E… and it’s a 400 MHz one at that.

Yes, it’s slow, but it runs better than XP did.