computer running SLOOOOOOOW after installing ubuntu


so I’m at a loss here. I built a POS machine to use here at work for misc shit like music and such. Nothing special.

it’s a P3 533mhz, 256megs of sdram, 80gb hdd, onboard video, usb sound card, ect.

I was running XP media center on it without any problems (it actually ran great once I installed the second 128 stick). Well, being the tool box that I am, I decided to dual boot Linux Ubuntu on it for the hell of it.

well, the installation got about 92% done and froze forcing me to abort it. Now when I start the machine, it runs slow as shit. It seriously takes approx 10 mins or so to go thru the startup/diagnostic screen (where it says your processor type/bios revision/memory/ect). I tried getting into the BIOS to see if something was up there and even the BIOS is running slow… for example if I hit an arrow to switch menus in the BIOS, it will respond to it about 10 seconds later. :bloated:

I just let it run thru so to start GRUB and big supprise it tells me that it couldn’t load the OS (not all that shocking considering the install didnt complete). I tried setting the BIOS back to it’s default settings and didn’t fix it.

anyone have any ideas? I’ve never run into this before

ok, strange… I’m trying to reinstall Ubuntu now and it seems to be running fine once it launches the installer. Why would a bad install effect the core BIOS functions of the machine? :wtf:

You have another hard drive to try?

Try reseating the ram? and cleaning off the contacts with an eraser…

I think its a corrupt bootloader.

wipe the linux partition using a real partition manager, then merge it back into the ntfs partition.

I’d also wipe the master boot loader at the xp command prompt I think the command is fixmbr or fixboot. That will put the xp bootloader back on there.

sounds like a bad install to me. And that can effect many things.

thanks guys… fixing now :tup:

Maybe the new RAM stick had something to do with it???

+1 to bad install. Is the liveCD one that had passed the media check?

If you had some ram problems as far as connects being bad or a bad stick you would see OS halting errors, not slowness. I don’t know much about Linux but I would venture to guess it’s not a hardware problem.

it seems to be working great now… strange shit


So what fixed it? The fixmbr?

nah… I first tried just re-installing linux and worked like a charm. still able to boot XP aswell (thank god)