u’re straight like they all said… my first was 88 in a 55 but it was off a mountain… they knocked me down to like 15 over and a point or something, no biggie.
even if you mention the mistakes on the ticket the magestrate will still find you guilty unless an atty is present, if you complain they’ll basically dare you to appeal and after the atty fees and such it’s faster to shut you’re hole from the get go and ask for a lesser punishment as opposed to no punishment.
They’ve been watching that area for a month now. 6:45 A.M. there’s been a cop standing on the island at the end of the bridge a few times with two cars up ahead pulling people over. Probably cause school is started up again. You’d think they would be more worried about the bullet holes in their police van!
I know the ice cream place you’re talking about. Go by it coming home from work the back way.
I took a quick glance at the PA code and a couple court decisions. Looks like the officer would just need to present a certificate showing that the timing device they used to clock you had been calibrated within 60 days of when you were ticketed. I got tailed and busted by a VASCAR near my house a few years back and from what I recall, the officer gave me a copy of the certificate when he presented his side before the magistrate. Get dressed up, be polite, and most likely it will be reduced to just a fine. If you need any further assistance just tell the short barber guy in your garage you need to talk to an attorney, he’s got me on speed dial :bigok:
Insurance only drops if you have nothing on your record. I’m not saying guys aren’t shafted for the most part but Most women drivers are just that… women drivers.
I on the other hand am still paying for 5 different tickets so I will not see the light of day for awhile - -