Fucking Judicial system

appeal, take it downtown, cop probably wont show, gets throw out, you get your 120 bucks back and no points… i think thats worth $50 IMO

do they usually not show downtonw though ??

my friend had a careless once, he took it downtown and cop did not show.

ya ive been thinking it over and i think i might end up doing that…i guess its worth a shot…

i’ve heard that not only do they not show, but if you keep fighting it, they will eventually just ask you to plead guilty to something small and drop the points… it gets expensive and time consuming for them to fight petty traffic violations

ya i could care less about the money honestly … i just dont want the 3 points with it… if the judge woulda let the points go then id just pay the fine and move on, ive gotten away wtih doing stupid sh!t plenty of times that even if i wasnt doing anything i dont care, but i just dont want the points.

that sucks

Then fight it. Be courteous, be professional, be respectful, point out the holes in the cops story and suggest that you’d be happy to settle for 5 over, which gets you no points but you still pay the fine. Magistrate and cops get what they need, you get what you wanted. You pay once and your insurance won’t keep you paying for the next coupla years.

Worse comes to worse ask for a 3111a. Thats a cover-all traffic citation that gives you a $100 fine but drops all the points

once i scratched a scratch ticket and won $100.00… guess i should go and buy 50 more and will $100.00 on each :ugh:

appealing the ticket to ‘downtown’ doesn’t mean dick… worst case they will jsut schedule you on a day wtih 10 others appeals from that same cop 2 months from now.

best bet is to go in and just plead down the point… say you were speeding and all that bullshit, get the points dropped and pay the 93 bucks or whatever.

althouhg, in the past when i won tickets the magistrate returned my non-refundable $50.

then again, i had magistrates that said “i wouldn’t believe a word that comes out of your mouth based on your past record… i rule in favor of the cop”

it’s hit or miss.

A friend of mine got a ticket going 144 in a 55. He’s been fighting it for a long time. How long can you appeal? What do you think his best bet would be…I mean, as to not lose his license. I mean, his only upside is that he stopped?

144 in a 55!!! He’s lucky he can still drive… I say suck it up and don’t be stupid next time!

ya im suprised they didnt take his license on teh spot

sounds like bullshit.


adversely, if it does clearly say 144 in a 50 mph zone, he’s fucked.

the only time you’re going to ‘get off’ if you can sweet talk the cop prior to wiriting the ticket… ig ot it for well over 100 in a 70 in WV… pulled right over and waited for the cop, he was cool and wrote me for 94 in a 70 (24 mph over, not 25) and a 100+ fine… said if i paid it no points and no court.

otherwise it would of been over 25mph + court in wv + loss of license.

Swear it’s the truth. He probably shouldn’t have his license. He knows some people, but apparently not enough to get out of it. I think he’s going to Greensburg to be heard by the judge…which sounds like certain death to me.

If I remember correctly it was on 119.

It will be

This is another reason I like Ohio… I got clocked 117 in a 55 by an OH state trooper and the fine was less than a 75 in a 55 here in PA. I was honest with the officer and told him I was just ‘testing my new computer program’. He pulled my ass from the truck and had me sit in the cruiser while he ran my info. Wrote me my ticket and told me to slow down next time.

Similar situation - I was in the company truck and got clocked 9# on the turnpike and was just given a ticket and a verbal lashing.

and the most recent was on my way home from Youngstown doing 50 in a 35… just a ticket.

All three in OH and 0 points and less than $400 in fines.

Every speeding ticket I’ve gotten in PA had points attached to it until I fought it. In 4/7 instances my points were dropped but still had to pay the fines. The only one I ‘won’ was running a stop sign @ 16 years old because the cop never showed.

no wonder my insurance is so high :frowning:

I don’t think that points transfer from Ohio to PA… Everytime I got pulled over… except once was on my way home from my mom and dad’s in Ohio… always got a fine- never points…

There was never any points with it at all (maybe they dont even have a points system??). You have to call in to get your fine total in OH and I always asked specifically if there were any points associated with them and was told no. I didn’t bother fighting any of them because there was no points. I would of driven back there to fight points if need be.

just appeal it. When you appeal it make sur eyou document everything that happend at the inital trial on how you had to correct the officer multiple times and the cop was unsure of everything. Then state the magistrate made the comment, I;m going to rule in the cops favor due to credentials.

Um hello, its innocent until proven guilty not until credentials are established…

Fight that bitch.