"Speed Competition" ticket...my first ticket. does this = suspension of license?

i got a ticket tonight…but im trying to figure out if im getting a license suspension or not. its my first ticket (besides an expired registration ticket). anybody have any experience with this?

ticket states:
“racing, above vehicle involved in speed competition with second vehicle.” charge states: “racing on highway.”

$281 :frowning:


6 month suspension and 5 points

is it A or B ??? on the code thing

yep, automatic 6 months. you’ll be getting a letter in the mail to send in your license in a very short time.

Here, I saved you the trouble.


HAHAHAH thats hilarious. I would say though, get a lawyer.

definitly if you have the money and want to try and keep it.

lets get to the point, did you lose the race?? i guess you lost since you got pulled over??

no i won actually. and wow this is going to suck so bad…i cant even drive to work i assume?

also wtf can they do? unfortunately everything is correct on the ticket

did the other guy get popped too?

they can easily try to plea you down in the charge to a lesser one, eliminating, or lowering the points, but keeping the fine.
there is a lot of factors that go with it. were you a dick to the cop, or did you cooperate?
was the cop calm cool and collective, or did he seemed pissed he had to pull you over for racing?

beside getting a lawyer to look intot he circumstances and to try to work the officer, your driving privilages are def gone for six months. that and you can see your insurance rates skyrocket right before your eyes.

plead not guilty and send in your 50 bucks. in the mean time pick up a yellow pages or ask around a fing a good lawyer. i got a wreckless driving ticket before similar points and suspension like yours. my lawyer got me off the hook with no problems. just had to pay him $500 big ones.

It depends… sometimes the judge will allow you to drive to/from work, but if you get pulled over you have to have proof from your employer that you are going to or from there, otherwise you are fucked.

please PM me the info!

cop was a little aggrivated at first, nothing too much though. both of us cooperated perfectly, we were both nice to the officers, didnt disrespect them at all. we sat there for 20 minutes after she collected our ins/registration cards. then we were issued a ticket, when she did so she was completely calm and not aggrivated. acted like a normal person. i asked if there was a suspension and jshe said she doesnt know, maybe 60 days. the other officer said 60 days rings a bell.

both of us pulled over immidiately hen we recognized they were going after us.

shit that sucks

Wow I got that once going across the Rankin bridge. We went in to fight it because we were broke college students. Well in the end we left with the judge saying “I’m going to let this slide, but if you get another ticket in Rankin them I’m going to give you the new ticket along with the old one.” The ticket was for almost $400.

i lost my licence before for 6 months for racing.i still drove tho haha

me too because they wouldn’t let me drive to and from work. i got pulled over when i didn’t have my license then and luckily the cop didn’t show so i lucked out. i can’t believe i didn’t get pulled over without my license any more though. i had a crazy loud yellow mustang and most of the cops in my town knew the car and were there when i was pulled over for racing.

your car is a turd, why would you even attempt to race someone in it??

Even worse…Are you even going to have a job after this? Most dealerships won’t cover you if you don’t have a license…it screws with their insurance…