
ha… yes but i ment since i was like 10 or 11

from what i heard its not hard…but thats what i have to do too.

100% correct… and to add every 12 months you get 3 pts off and once you get to 0pts you have to go another 12 months til it looks like you never had any points on your license ever

the test isn’t hard… two parts, drugs and alcohol and advanced traffic situations… i got 20 / 20… but that was in 2001 or 2002

I dont know how many points there are but I can tell you that if you get caught doing 92 on the HOV lane in the North Hills, and you are by yourself, you license is automatically suspended for 90 days…

:bsflag: prove it with video tape… :smiley:

I wish I would have had video of it…the cop was pretty cool about it too. They must have clocked me around the Hazelet Street exit because a cop was up on the veterans bridge waiting for me and he waved me over to the side.

When was this!? I do about 95-100 through that strip on 279 twice everyday! Where the fuck could the cops sit? State cop? City cops aren’t allowed to use radar and I don’t see any lines there for vascar.

Please, more details.

Granted, I know they pulled you for being alone in the HOV lane…but how the fuck did they ticket you for “92 MPH”. You have me worried now. Doing closer to the speed limit would seriously add to my commute time and I don’t want to have to do this.

city and state can use radar… CITY OF CLAIRTON uses radar

maybe they were following him for over .3 miles

Hum… daughter in car… 94 in 65… That makes you a hardass.

what a fuck nut… 3 day ban for being a moron??? i have talked out of many tickets… been pulled over way too many times… up in the 50’s and i have no points…(granted most were non moving violations… ie. tint,exhaust blah blah blah)

city and state can use radar… CITY OF CLAIRTON uses radar

maybe they were following him for over .3 miles

City of Pittsburgh does NOT use radar- and inbound after the McKnight exit 279 is all City of Pittsburgh. Hence why I asked it was a statie, and was kind of confused as I’ve personally never seen a state cop speedtrap in city limit.

I have seen cops sitting in the HOV lanes. I cant remember if they were state or not… but they do sit in the shoulder and wait. That is they are always sitting around a bend of some sort. So when you see them, its too late.

I hate people who ride the HOV lane alone. Its not funny. Why not just man up and carpool with someone? You have GOT to know atleast ONE person heading into town.

I guess I’ll be more cautious…I really couldn’t see anywhere on 279 for cops to sit that weren’t in plain view. I’ll pay more attention on the way home tonight.

It was state police, and I had to pay the fine at the magistrates office in the Northside on East Ohio Street, fine was a little over $700, this was back in 2002. I was on the way to work in the morning and was running late so I jumped on the HOV to avoid traffic. I was working at UPMC at the time. Like I said, I was doing 92, i got up to where the road splits to cross the veterans bridge, and when I got up there there was a cop in the middle of the road waving me off to the side. Im guessing that they were sitting on one of those overpasses on 279 and clocked me, or he lied and made up a speed…who the fuck knows, i didn’t bother to fight it.

I guess with them bustin all them hookers/duis they can afford radar equip now… clairton

I’m thinking he lied about 92 MPH…heh. You wouldn’t have much of a leg to stand on being that he caught you alone on the HOV lane.

Maybe I’ll do 85 instead of 95 on the way home tonight. Maybe.

our points system sux, it doesnt make scense. I got a ticket for 94 in a 55… thats what 39mph over, i got 5 points and a $186 thats it, no suspention no nothing

Never claimed to be a hardass… just sharing stories, it was a wide open stretch of road, and I wasn’t driving recklessly or I doubt I woulda walked away without a ticket.

I’ve never caused anyone on the road to get hurt, and With the exception of the ticket in Wyoming and one in '97 all my points were accumulated between '91 and '95… Show me someone who has made ALL the right decisions between 16 and 21… I’m not trying to be the fastest car on the road, nor a showboat but if you give me an open stretch of road and I’ll give it some gas…

i took it like 5 years ago and it was pretty easy from what i remember. I was in and out and people were struggling.