A new law you might not know.

A law that I never knew about, and was quietly implemented in 04.

Things not to do now or they will cost you big:

  • Refuse a chemical test (a constitutional right that you now have to pay a fine for if you exercise it)
  • Get 6 or more points in 18 monthsIs this law news to anyone else?

the 6 points thing sucks.

NY, always finding new ways to tax you.

the 6 pts in 18 months is not news to me, it happened to me last year around august.

got a 78 in a 55 in the city of buffalo and suffered big time.

It sucks more that for each additional point beyond 6 it is an additional $25/year.

um yes… i believe i have 5 points and in august when i got back to court i will be getting another 1 or 2 so im hoping i lost some points before august

oh trust me, i am VERY familiar with the DRA fines…

Yep. Just a way for the DMV to make more money.

Always fun opening the mail getting a random fine for $475 from the DMV.

Someone told me you are very familiar with the chemical refusal test too. Maybe you should stop getting shwwasted and getting behind the wheel.

Is b-lo bad on speeders?

BPD themselves rarely hand out speeding tickets. If you get caught on lets say the 190 by trooper, and have to report to Buffalo for court, plan on paying the max and getting the points.

yeah, NEVER speed on the 190. there is a ton of troopers, and they really fuck you in court.


i’m such a good drunk driver though.

I drive WAYYY better after i’ve had a few beers.

I’ve only gotten in 2 accidents while drunk, but at least 4 while sober!

x2, NY’s got atleast 1K out of me as a result, not including fines. Just another reason to get the hell out of this overtaxed cesspool

its not being overtaxed. it is a driver responsibility act. it is in place to deter people from breaking vehicle and traffic law to help cut down on accidents and death etc. if you dont wanna pay it dont then loose your license or you could just not break v&t all together and not have to worry about it.

shut up.

Really? I thought that was what the fines for breaking the various laws were for?

No, this was just another user fee that was snuck in to balance the budget. You probably support the red light cameras Buffalo is pushing for to under the guise of “safety” too right? Nevermind that red light cameras, especially the ones run by for profit corporations like Buffalo is looking at, actually cause more accidents than they prevent.

If you are convicted of a traffic violation that is alcohol-related or drug-related, or if you refuse a chemical test, the annual assessment is $250. The minimum amount that you must pay each year is the annual assessment. The total assessment for the three years is $750.

If you receive six points on your driver record during a period of 18 months, the annual assessment is $100. The minimum amount that you must pay each year is the annual assessment. The total assessment for the three years is $300. If you receive more than six points on your driver record during a period of 18 months, the annual assessment is $25 for each point more than the original six points. The minimum amount that you must pay each year is the annual assessment. The total assessment for the three years is $75 for each point more than the original six points.

thats fucking nuts.

i never get tickets anymore but damn, that sucks



We had a c:beer:ase of the MONDAYS!!!


Got pulled over toooooo!

Newman is soo good at acting sober and driving drunk! He is my “DD”