NY to charge for points?!?!?

I heard a rumor that NY State is going to charge drivers each year or whatever for each point on their license. For example 2 points = $200.
You guys seem to be in tune with this stuff. Total BS? Total repost?

i know they charge for 6 or over or whatever it is. Are we hurting that bad? damn

I have not heard this. However the state is in such a crunch it would not surprise me. The planned 8700 layoff’s have been cancelled and the way they say they are covering the savings does not add up to me.

I’m sure Jack is all in favor.

They already have a driver assessment tax, which is total bull shit.

Yep, DRA here… $150/year.



That’s what they have now, but I have no clue if it’s changing. pay2play



I think that’s what you’re hearing about and we’ve had it for a while now.

I really don’t have a problem with slapping a tax on someone with 6 points or alcohol/drug driving convictions.

EDIT: Damn my stopping to talk to co-workers before hitting the post button!

Single speeding ticket (I’ve got visually estimated 76 in 55) would put you in the “program” (And that’s in addition to the actual ticket and court fees). So the ticket is effectively ~$500 + whatever your insurance company feels like charging you.

So fight it. And I’m sorry, but 76 in a 55 is way over and I have no pity when you get a ticket. Yes I’ve done it, and yes I know if I get caught there are consequences. Slow down to 65 and they’ll leave you alone.

guess point reduction classes will be filled up even more.


Points reduction classes don’t reduce the amount of points on your license (because they are not reduction classes), just increase the amount until you are suspended.

I have to pay 100 dollars a year for the next 3 years. :picard:

This is NYS… how is anyone at all surprised?

As stated earlier, this is going after people with alcohol/drug convictions. Fuck those people. They shouldn’t be driving at all.
If you have 6 points on your license it means you’re too cool for school and can afford to pay the speeding ticket without talking it down to parking and school. You also get to kick in extra money if you’re too busy for safety school.

I’ve lost my license several times, spent more in fines than I have on my truck, and I still agree with this.

You’re wrong. There are point reduction classes offered that are 8 hours long and remove 2 points from your license. You can take them once every 4 years. You need to bring your certificate of completion into the DMV to have your points removed.

I’ve taken this class. It worked. I had to take it because I got another ticket and was out of room on my license for more points. Skipped court. Took the class. Brought the cert with me to court and they let me go with 2 $375 parking tickets and school. I still took the cert to DMV to get the points removed.

Your insurance company has a completely different point system.

Or you got a 51 in a 30 in the city of Buffalo.

It’s either cut spending or bring in more money and there doesn’t seem to be a politician in the entire fucking state with the stones to say “We don’t really need that.”

This would piss me off. This state is abolutely absurd with all the taxing and fucking fees for anything and everything. It’s not enough to get a ticket and points that stay on record for years, plus the fine, plus the surcharge, plus the insurance hike? Give me a fucking break.

I hate everyone who drives in the city anyway. There is no reason to do 51 in city limits anyway.