A Sad day for ZEXaccord :(

drama drama

Congrats on the car man … I wanna see some pics!! How do you like it so far?

not payin up…weaksauce…getting thrown threw a winshield would be funny

He? You mean that pussy you call a friend? Also, are you on any medication? You seem to be delusional about what ‘throwing someone on the hood of a car means’. Your friend pushing and shoving after losing in his “60 trim B16” POS does not equal ‘throwing someone on the hood of a car’… Although, that whole night/situation was hilarious to me. Racist bigots seldom get very far in life and that is the ultimate poetic justice. Karma’s a bitch!

For anyone that may want some entertainment and want to follow up on this drama, please feel free to read my introductory post that summarizes the douchebaggery I am speaking of.

Looks like that happened 11 months ago. Suggest: Get over it.

I know I’ll never see my $50, but to let douches such as the OP and his sand-infested vagina go scott-free is not right. Respect is earned afterall… I just want people to be aware of the true character of ZEXaccord. Plus, I’m bored. So stirring up the pot is a great form of entertainment.

my new favorite newb!


Funny how you bring race into the equation (I absolutely love when minorities do this b/c I don’t have any racial issues). I never said anything about you being indian or whatever the fuck you are…nor do I care. I just think you have a pig-headed personality - you know, the type of person you wouldn’t mind just bitch slapping for the fuck of it.

Now fuck off and go wipe your ass with your hand. :sadwavey:

pshhh… what more do I have to say. You would like this guy.

Then again, this is coming from the guy who makes their car purchasing decisions on if he can get his giraffe neck in the fucking thing.


trust me when I say this… certainly not me! Haha, poor bastard is still crying over something a year ago. I’m just responding to let him indulge more into his self pity. Anyone who knows me can vouch for my character and demeanor I think. :x:

I just want to see pics of you new car … where the fuck are they?

I never said anything about you being indian or whatever the fuck you are

Rally, are you the Indian looking guy in the WRX that me and my buddy (we were in his STI) talked to while leaving Chalky’s parking lot about 2-3 years ago? Was a black STI…we asked if you wanted to run and you declined.

Just for you smokindiesel… sorry about the quality, I didn’t notice my camera had a huge smudge on the lens and it’s getting late.

At the dealer…posted before

The car in general is MINT. Has like 11,005 miles or something on it now. Gotta wash it and take better pics. Its a head turner for sure.

Nice car, Are you looking at doing mods in the future?

It will have a 100 shot on it within a week. After that - who knows. I’m not used to having a hefty car payment blehhh…

it must not be to sad a day or u wouldnt of sold it :bj:

zex … thank you! …

Sick car man … just simply beautifull … your interior FTW!!!

Id love to check it out in person sometime

Sucks about your $50 but what was the whole racist things about??

Oh yea and jack the car looks nice!!!