A Sad day for ZEXaccord :(

You’re not the first person to dislike me because I made you look like a complete and utter fucktard. Welcome to the club, I guess. BTW, if anyone is looking for a better definition of ‘sore loser’ look no further than ZEXaccord and his racist friend that had/has a civic with a “Turbonetics” sticker.

And just to clarify (b/c it’s quite apparent you suck at reading comprehension), I never called you a racist. I have no beef with you regarding that. It was your friend that told me I was in ‘niggerville’ and I should ‘watch-out’ or whatever… I chalked that up to someone that should’ve perished at the bottom of the gene-pool but survived due to the whole philosophy that says ‘everyone is created equal’. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Some people are just idiots, such as the present company… And since you suck horribly at reading comprehension, I am not calling you out on being a racist. Your ‘friend’ was/is the racist. You are just an idiot.

Also, I don’t wipe my ass with my own hand. I use a bidet…

I actually don’t have any recollection of that interaction, but it could possibly have been me. I have ‘raced’ very few people outside of my immediate friend’s circle. Even this ‘interaction’ that I speak of in this thread almost didn’t happen. I’ve never raced for money (except ‘this’ time). I care more for the friendships that get started when like-minded individuals meet while pursuing their passion. Those tend to last a lifetime. I met my one of my best friends at an SCCA AutoX in Brooksville, FL.

Mmhmmm… and you are whoring my thread b/c? And why would he call Cranberry township “niggerville”? Cranberry is more like “crackerville.” I am REALLY doubting that accusation.

How am I a sore loser? It wasn’t my race…I didn’t lose…your the one with sand in your vagina.

I’m done with this thread anywho…

Please stay the fuck out of my next one since apparently you don’t have any real beef with me.

Ummm, b/c your friend is a racist bigot! How bad do you suck at reading comprehension! My God! I’ve only read about idiots like you in psychology books. Would you like me to involve 3 other witnesses who heard that racist comment? (well too bad, b/c i don’t care about this enough to do so)

[sarcasm]You are SOOOOOOO good at comebacks. I mean you basically repeated the exact same thing i said about ‘sand in your vagina’. [/sarcasm]

Low-level humans such as yourself are good for nothing but comic relief. Thank you for your existence!

Well, this is the off-topic forum is it not? Oh wait, I forgot, you suck at reading comprehension, so there is no way you’d know that…

But OK! Since you said please, I will leave your thread alone unless it mentions anything about racing anyone, evaluation of character, and/or the definition of why Darwin was wrong…

I love Darwin, but just wish he was right at all times.

Whoever we met at Chalky’s was kind of an idiot… he kept going on about his friend’s 9 second 240SX and how he’s friends with Vishnu or something. We never did run, he wouldn’t race.

OT, the Z looks great. Nice color.

Rally_WRX, do you want a tissue?

Stellar car Zex!

honestly Rally_Wrx STFU who cares if ZexAccord or his friend really are racist i dont really agree with it but its there choice this thread was started to show his new Z (which looks really good by the way love the interior) not to hear you bitch and complain about something that happened 11 or so months ago who cares its ppl like you that make reading sum threads suck so just shut up or find another forum to complain on

looks great zach !

Fair enough!

But just keep in mind, that I wouldn’t have explained the situation in such detail unprovoked. BTW, it wasn’t about racism. It was about douchebaggery and not paying up when you lose…

And slowcivic98, for the love of god, please attend grammar school and learn to use punctuation… please find another forum where your illiterate ramblings can run free.

Also, if you guys want me to stop responding to this shit, quit giving me an oppurtunity to. Anyway, I find ZEXaccord and his racist friend have a huge character flaw and wanted to point that out to ‘yinz guyz’…

PS - I know I can add certain usernames to my buddy list on here, can I also add certain ones to the ‘idiot list’? ZEXaccord and slowcivic98 would be the first two dis-honorary members.

actually my grammar must not of been to bad because you could still read it and if they do make an idiot list i would be honored to be on it o and i think your just a little bit upset you got owned by a 16 year old ha ha ha

Not a fan of the Z’s personally, but it looks nice.

“Only a fool argues with a fool”

I’m out…

i hear you there me to

i like the interior colors

saw you last night on Mcknight i think Jack on my way home from work. looks nice.

Hey uncle fucker, mama called, she wants you to play with your cock n balls for a little bit.

Any time you wanna race that cute little cougar mobile I’ll be happy to take your $50. We can sanction the race with the local police dept so when you pull a mad scientist and try to run with out paying up, they’ll drag your cracker ass back to west view for a town lynching reserved for only the finest.

LOL Cougars and Giraffes - its like a Zoo in here when BeRad joins the thread.

PM me a time and place. It will in the the garage till Tuesday so anytime next week after that.

BTW… have you EVER raced anything but your keyboard? What I mean is, street race, drag, autox, road race - anything? You seem to be a strictly “internet” car guy only.

I bet you and Blayner hangout and talk about who has over 100hp to the wheels.


On a more positive note. :slight_smile:


Right, we wouldn’t want the garage queen to get spotty in this inclimate weather. I bet if you would take a break from racing ricer civics on McKnight and head to the auto-x every once in a while you would know whats up. Unfortunately, I have to get on the internet to begin shitting on your parade. It’s a shame we all aren’t built like prepubescent asian males in order to pilot such fine hacked up ebay special econo boxes. Further giraffe comments will not guarantee you a victory my friend.