A sad day...

When this country was founded, there had been no other nation in history with such a distinct separation of church and state. The founding fathers were largely religious men and used sound morality to guide them, but the US was far more influenced by philosophers of the time than the Bible. The US never has been a nation of God or Christianity.

Ilya, you’re just an idiot.

I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the united states of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, for liberty and justice for all.

Not in the Constitution.
Also, under God is a vague term as God is interpreted in many different ways to many different people, thus it is open for interpretation.


“Under God” was added in 1954. In fact, the pledge was first written long after the founding fathers were dead.

unless you don’t believe in god

It doesn’t mean God, like there is only one God. It assumes that all people are of A religion. Not all people are Christian. It means under ‘whoever your god(s) may be.’

God in the pledge is singular and once again… what if you don’t believe in any god(s)

“Under God” has no place in the pledge.

it does have a place… its just after “one nation” and before “indivisible”!!!


God was added during the 1950’s as a way to go against the athiest communists.


It doesn’t matter if it’s singular. It’s how it was meant to be. I didn’t write the fucking pledge.

If you don’t believe in any gods, too bad. As Hang Your Cross said, it was added because of the atheist communists.

as most on here know im far from religous ,butttt our country was founded on the religous aspects ,now that bein said it needs to be kept the same

disgusting day in American History… next they erase our true history.

How was it founded on religious aspects? Morality and freedom arent specifically religious, they’re basic social values.

he is possibly talking about the Puritans that settled Boston/MA area?

Ah, gotcha. I meant the literal founding of the United States which was what…150+ yrs later?