A sad day...

I find it funny that everyone says that no one wanted this healthcare. Honestly, i dont really care about any of this. But if you guys really care that much, why dont you organize something to fight against it? Complaining on a forum about what Obama or whoever is doing isnt helping anyone and its never going to. Im not misinformed on the subject, nor am i miseducated. I dont listen to people when they talk about it, and i dont care to learn about it. You want to know why? Because it doesnt matter, I/we have no say when it comes to any of this. The govt is going to do whatever they want as long as they have personal gains off of it. When it gets to the point they arent getting rich off of all the shit they do now, it will change. Giving your opinions is fine. We all listen, but they go unheard in the big picture, and they will get nothing done. Id rather spend my day worrying about things i have control over.


This thread brings the lol’s. So much complaining, not much action.


Politicians are only interested in your votes and blow smoke up your ass to get them. When it comes to actually doing the work, they do JUST ENOUGH to stay in office. Show me one politician who has done something good in the last 10 years. Like really good. You probably can’t. I know I sure as hell can’t remember anything being passed into law that truly helps the country on every level. Politicians are a joke. You must be blind if you don’t see this. That’s my opinion. If you don’t like it that’s fine.

"GO VOTE! YOU will make a difference!

My ass. Voting or not, you won’t change anything. That’s how screwed up politics is in this country. And what’s funny is that some other countries have it even worse than us in terms of corrupt politicians. And you know why it’s like this? Because politics is run, subtly, by special interest groups. Not the politicians (on behalf of the people) or the people. WTF?

It’s hilarious how somehow everyone voted for Bush the first time, hated him. Then voted for him again. Without or without Florida and that fiasco, he got a pretty decent amount of votes.

And then everyone was clamoring for Obama and now they are scratching their heads wondering why he was voted in.

You ‘patriots’ and ‘voters’ will never accomplish what you want. GOOD LUCK. I say as long as you have a job, food on the table, and a comfortable style of living…you just relax. Either that or start a revolution. :rofl

Again, this is my opinion. If you don’t like it or disagree with it, good for you. I couldn’t care less.

Uh… I have been doing something, will continue to do something, and yes the American people have a say in this. The ones who think they dont have never tried.

Oh, What have you done?

Oh, and where is the kid who said Scott Murphy would never vote for healthcare reform? LOLZ.

signed. +rep

Interesting read:


I wonder why they left out NY’s FHP, CHP, and HealthyNY?

And yet so many countries across the ocean have successfully implemented said systems. Interesting. What does that tell you?

We’re doing it wrong.

The key is implementation. I said that before and this confirms it.

Don’t those programs have optional enrollment? And NY taxes are ok with you guys? They never go up, right?

You are wrong, i’m sorry to say.

Public opinion and voting weighs heavily on the outcome of things like this. Why do you think they had so much trouble trying to pass it in the first round. They couldn’t. Political careers are still voter based. You don’t have to believe me but watch what happens in November. Watch what has already happened in some states. Pubs being voted in over dems in DEM states.

And yes, there are some of us on here complaining that actually have a right to because one, we vote, and two, we act in times like these. Even if it is something as simple as writing to your senator, congressmen, etc. It DOES make a difference.

X 2

illya you’re killing me… go away

Wrote congressmen/women, joined local groups to persuade elected officials to change their view or stand their ground (it worked, btw), and in November I’m going to voice my disapproval at the polls which will have the biggest effect of all according to public opinion polls done this week.

What have you done? I find it hard to stomach criticism from someone who has demonstrated zero understanding of how government works or pays the bills in past threads.

I’m not criticising you at all, I was actually just interested in what you had done. What groups are you in?

Defensive much? Damn.

hes a bitch

Seems like it :ohnoes

I called him a bitch right in front of his tits
