Healthcare video: Discuss

Right on haha

Why do I have a feeling watching this is going to make me angry…

ahh this is a fail anyone with a responsible head on there shoulders wouldnt pick jeans over health care

i guess they should make a video of single parent familes where the mom/dad has to choose betwen feeding, clothing, housing her kids with no insurance or living on the street with insurance…

see this statement is not true only for the fact medicare covers alot of shit, as much as I hate the medical coverage in the world this I can at least say pretty much does its job.

Who’s fault is it they had kids in the first place when they weren’t fully prepared? Not mine.

whose fault is it if the one parent suddenly dies from a medical condition or an accident?

and what do you think medicare is? it’s driven off of universal health care…

Who’s fault is it they didn’t take out life insurance?

which is infact socialist to begin with. if you have any type of insurance whether it is car, motorcycle, house, etc. that is a socialist program in and of itself.

so there’s no difference in paying for car insurance or universal health care, youre still a goddam communist.

fucking a right… about time someone said it…

the less of two evils though is a open market with many different options… because we all know when the government forces its public option into the game all the companies that use private insurance will switch… because its cheaper…then you have universal “your fucked” health care.

medicare and medicaid are 76 trillion in the hole… thats more than the gdp of all nations on earth combined… the shit dont work… what makes them think a new government public option health care insurance plan will work any better than the one they already have does…(it dont by the way)

well it’s not the fault of the agency they are in the hole for that much money. it’s the hospitals, drug companies, and others that charge a sky high amount and bill it towards these agencies that is the problem.

i see the health care industry as pretty much localized monopoly. if you go to a hospital you are forced to pay those high rates; there is no competition. if you look at medical claims all day, you’d be suprised and would question, “why the fuck does this cost xxx?” it’s insane how much these medical places are ripping off the insurance companies and the consumer. that’s why we are in the hole, and that’s why universal health care would never work in this country.

liberal-developmentalism at its finest…

There are simple truths here and we can argue this til we are blue in the face, The truth is this:

We need to reconstruct our system. People say its impossible but the correct way to fix this shit is to start it from scratch and have people & state(civilian branch) govern over insurances (honestly the people should be governing over everything including or government). If people want to start getting greedy and think they will make it rich over insurance which is the problem now as it is, Someone needs to be held accountable. Once individual’s are held accountable for their actions. I think you will see things work out much better for all of us. Honestly you cant make shit free not in this society. And you can never have the government ESPECIALLY ours take over health care, our government doesn’t really give a shit about you. The world is being destroyed by politics because politics is about an individual not a community or country anymore. Yes I know this doesn’t cover the whole issue BUT with more involvement there will be more answers.

…my pet peeve is that even for those who do have insurance and you are looking for specific help for your condition insurance companies like to say oh I am sorry that Doctor is out of Network so your insurance that you have been paying half your life will not cover him, honestly FUCK YOU and that out of Network shit.

On the Doctors note… Incentives from Pharmaceutical Companies are Bullshit also. A doctor is there to help you not make extra profit from a Pharmy Co. To give you shit you dont need.

Then again I always refer back to this for all Doctors why do you think they call it “Practice”


I think we all can see that EVERYTHING our government touches turns to shit. Sad part its Private Business throughout the world that really makes shit bad in our government, in ALL governments

I worked for Empire BCBS when the Medicare D drug program was first released. I’m not exaggerating when I tell you at least 20 phone calls in my day from members were elderly people on Medicare barely scraping by with their SS check, and they were in tears because they couldn’t afford their medicines. Medicare cut the list of covered medications in half with this new drug program. So, they buy a supplement policy with Empire, which runs off Medicare mandates. Either way Medicare is saying what will/will not be paid for. With Empire they pay a normal HMO based copay amount, instead of the 80/20 Medicare copay, and still get no help with prescription coverage. So now, we turn them to Social Security drug assistance programs that deny their application because they make $30 too much a month. No I’m not exaggerating there either. Explain to me how an “extra” $30 a month covers a prescription that costs $150 a fill. Now the 83 year old woman who has to choose between paying for her heat or medicine is paying for her Empire HMO as well, and still can’t afford her drugs because Medicare allows no other drug program to be purchased as a “rider” or “secondary” so to speak or they will drop your benefits completely.
Not that the private insurance companies are all sunshine and roses. I got just as many calls from members wondering why their cancer treatment at Sloan Kettering wasn’t covered for example. We’re sorry you want to live and see the best doctors in your area for your condition Mrs. Jones, but you’re under an HMO with Empire and do not have the same network benefits as you did previously when you were covered by Medicare only. Sloan Kettering is not a covered facility under your policy, you are liable for the $7,000 bill you received from them. So now the same 83 year old who purchased an Empire HMO to try and reduce her copays, so she can have left over money from her SS check for her drugs that aren’t covered by Medicare, has to appeal to our claims department and go through red tape to have her treatment approved. We actually had members drop us to receive their cancer treatment covered under Medicare only, paid their 20% of their $7,000 for example, and signed back up with us the next enrollment period.
You can take this post however you want, these are just the things I’ve seen first hand with insurance whether it be government run/private company.

Sorry it got so long.

  • Rep to you BUT it wont allow me to give you rep points for your statement, BUT this is a perfect example of what is going on, I just went off about younger folks and never talked about the elderly. I love that 30 dollars a month too much. I know of someone who applied and they made something like 17 dollars too much and were denied got to love this bullshit. If you are younger with children Medicare does pretty much what it needs to do but if you are older it does not.

it’s their fault they got cancer and are old. should have stopped inflation too, fucktarded old people…