A sad day...


you got tourrettes or something

Yeah, tell the guy to go away who opposes everyone elses opinions, shame on him.

seriously i’ve tried not to come into this thread because it actually enrages me that people can be so fuckin stupid that this doesnt upset them. our country was based on freedom and no taxation. now look at it. this isnt freedom at all. the constitution is no longer even a consideration. :ahh and ilya you’re retarded. your arguments have absolutely no logical thought to them.

i fuckin hate stupid people.

Just about every democrat wants to be like Euro countries and be more socialist.

It’s sickening. You live in a country that was founded based on freedom and equal rights among the people. I never thought of that as a bad thing.

Easy to say when your not in a bad situation

You realize that the people doing the procedures on your mother have near or over a decade of schooling with financial burdens in the hundreds of thousands of dollars to get where they are correct? Add about 3 of those people in the OR, nurses, anestiologists, supplies, cost to run the building, and shit adds up… FAST. Yes its expensive, but its what people pay or their ins companies pay for treatment that is in the 99th percentile. If you want cheap treatment go to africa where you can pay a hutu witch doctor to do a dance for your family. Ill take the expensive procedures, as much as it sucks paying them.

why can’t the government just pick out my clothes in the morning for me

Lol, this is a very infomative thread. Not informative in that anyone would learn anything about this issue, but informative about learning the true meaning of ignorance…all I would say is that some of you ‘experts’ who pronounce yourselves qualified to voice your opinions (and rip those who do it without being informed) should turn off the talk radio for a couple days and actually go crack a book about American politics and then come back on and post some truly INFORMED opinion. It’s kind of like the pot calling the kettle black thingy in here if you know what I mean.

Which book do you recommend?

first off health care is a privilege, not a right…and the sooner people realize that the better off we will be.

secondly, people who think this is a good thing, are ignorant, plain and simple. Do you want a board of government elected officials determining what health care you get? and Doctors…say goodbye to good ones, because they will not hang around and get paid the same regardless of what they do. ER doctor…paid the same as a world renown neurosurgeon. Not to mention the fact that now hospitals and doctors offices will be backed up around the corner because Tommy Minger teeth has a runny nose.

The health care industry does need reform, no doubt, but this is radical. When you buy health insurance, you are essentially buying the right to sue. Why do you think doctors charge so much? Because of the mal-practice insurance they need ( and before anyone spouts off on how that’s not the only reason, you’re right, they do make good money too…but they should.) SO how do you fix it…offer insurance that waives your right to sue, and offer it at cheaper rates. I guarantee people could afford it then. Not only that but doctors would be willing to take greater risks knowing that they would not be sued if something were to happen.

I am going to vote in November, regardless if it makes a difference or not. The American public does not realize what is going on…they see Universal Healthcare and think of how wonderful it is. Someone is going to have to pay for this blunder, and that will be us.

and yes, I have researched this on my own, and formed my own opinions, unlike those standing behind it saying “at least we are better than Russia”

Wow, good for you. All you accomplished in that entire statement was, nothing.

Admittedly I didn’t look at the bill in it’s entirety, but which part of it states that all health care professionals will be payed a flat wage regardless of occupation? Finding that hard to believe.

I’m not taking the time to read the retarded responses in the last 4 pages of this thread because frankly I don’t give a shit what any of you think.

I will say this, the entire idea behind the bill is STUPID and this is why:
Health care including surgery, vaccines, doctor visits cost a certain amount of $$

Changing who pays the money, how the money is paid, how the doctors get paid or what damn name you give it DOES NOT CHANGE THE COST OF ANY OF THE ABOVE.

The bill is nothing but a fucking shell game transferring who has control of the money and who has more pull in the industry. The only way to change the amount of money “health care” costs is to pay doctors less, or contract vaccines and drugs out to the lowest bidder.

I for one do not want the Government to have more control of anything they don’t need, I don’t want a bunch of felons and queer congressmen determining how I sign up for insurance, and I sure as hell don’t want the doctor operating on my heart when all this red meat catches up with be paid bottom dollar or the drugs they put me on to be made by a lowest bidder company. I also don’t want to have to pay extra insurance premiums because some queer bait’s AIDs were considered a preexisting condition and the government mandated that my ins. company must include him at no extra cost.

Fuck why don’t we just pay cops minimum wage and make innocent drivers pay double the insurance to cover a guy with 5 DWI’s

All I know is I did my duty and placed my votes when they were required and that I didn’t vote for this shit :Idiots

Horseshit, that’s all this is.

I’m not sure what part of the 1600 page bill it is, but that has been one of the biggest complaints thus far…the AMA sold the doctors out as to what wages they made and part of the bill calls for a set wage for every doctor