A Shift518 Experiment. Ask random person "When are you going to let me tap that?"

Absolutely correct.

Mike pulled a fast one on me…

[14:40] 137: poke
[14:41] Mike8: when are you gonna let me tap that
[14:42] 137: too late, i just poked you
[14:42] Mike8: ah
[14:42] Mike8: so it’s already been tapped
[14:42] 137: technically i think i tapped you
[14:43] Mike8: oh, didn’t know you had the operation
[14:43] Mike8: how was that

the ghey!


a little :cry:

+1 fucking schooled her. lol

He never had it, that’s why he’s jealous of Mike. Didn’t you read the two above posts? :lol

no jealous, do not want

Blah, blah, blah.
Boys with Corvettes are stupid.

this is so true.

god thing im a man. :thumbup




Ron, it’s a red x in a box.


I get a 403.

Oh wow, I do too now.
The link was working though at first, it’s her in lacy underwear all Penelope looking and her nips are air brushed out. :lol

Damn, would have liked to see that.

Odd I can still see

I will replace with something that works

It’s in yo cache Ron. That’s why joo can see it. Save it quick and rehost.

:number1 what he said!

Wtf is going on in here?